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EXHIBIT 2 <br />breach the restrictions in this section 2(b) (Restrictions). Client may <br />not copy or re-create the Licensed Programs or its objects without <br />Yardi's prior express written consent. Client agrees that the Li- <br />censed Programs must remain at all times In the Yards Cloud, and <br />may not be removed or copied to any other location at any time. <br />Client acknowledges and agrees that Client may not perform scans <br />or electronic testing of any kind an the Yardi Cloud, Licensed Pro- <br />grams, Yardi's corporate networks, and Yardi's corporate servers <br />Including, without limitation, vulnerability scanning or testing, pen- <br />etration scanning or testing or any other type of scanning or testing <br />of the Yards Cloud, Licensed Programs, Yardi's corporate net- <br />works, and Yardi's corporate servers. <br />c. Access to the Yards Cloud. Yard] will use commercially <br />reasonable efforts to make the Yardl Cloud and the Licensed Pro- <br />grams accessible to Designated Users 24-hours per day, 7 days <br />per week, excluding down time for maintenance and repair. Yardi <br />has standing maintenancelrepairlbackup hours from 11:00 pm (lo- <br />cal time at the data center) each day to 1:00 am (local time at the <br />data center) each succeeding day, and an additional 2 hours for <br />the maintenance/repair/backup hours beginning at 11:00 pm (local <br />time at the data center) each Saturday night [i.e., the Saturday- <br />night-toSunday-moming standing maintenancelrepairlbackup <br />hours extend an extra 2 hours until 3:00 am (local time at the data <br />center) each succeeding Sunday]. Yardi will use commercially rea- <br />sonable efforts to provide as much notice to Client as reasonably <br />possible under the circumstances for emergency maintenance/re- <br />pair downtime outside the aforementioned standing hours. <br />3. Term and Termination. <br />a. Term. This Agreement will commence on the Effective <br />Date and shall remain in full force until September 30, 2020 (the <br />"Initial Term") unless earlier terminated in accord with section 3(c) <br />(Termination for Cause). Upon expiration of the Initial Term, this <br />Agreement may be renewed by Client for up to two (2) one-year <br />renewal terms (each a "Renewal Term") unless a parry provides <br />written notice of non -renewal at least 30 days prior to expiration of <br />the then -current (Initial or Renewal) Term. The Initial Term and Re- <br />newal Term(s) shall be collectively referred to as the "Term.' <br />b. Intentionally Omitted. <br />c. Termination for Cause. Either party may terminate this <br />Agreement upon written notice to the other party if the other party <br />materially breaches this Agreement and fails to cure such breach <br />within 7 days of written notice of a material breach, or if the breach- <br />ing party cannot reasonably cure the material breach within 7 days, <br />the breaching party fails to initiate cure within 7 days and fails to <br />continuously and diligently work to cure the breach until the breach <br />is cured. Termination pursuant to this section 3(c) (Termination for <br />Cause) shall be effective upon delivery of written notice after expi- <br />ration of the applicable cure period. <br />d. Effect of Termination. Upon the effective date of this <br />Agreement's termination or expiration: (i) the license for the Li- <br />censed Programs and Licensed Programs Documentation will ter- <br />minate; (li) Client will cease Use of the Yardi Cloud, Yardi Cloud <br />Services, Licensed Programs and Licensed Programs Documen- <br />tation; (iii) Client's access to the Yardi Cloud and Licensed Pro- <br />grams will be disabled; and (iv) Client shall pay any Undisputed <br />Fees to Yards. <br />e. Survival. The parties' obligatians under, and the provisions <br />of, sections 4 (License Fees), 8(b) (Limited Liability for Unauthor- <br />ized Client Data Access), 9 (Confidentiality), 10 (Warranties), 11 <br />(Damage Limitations), 13 (indemnification), 15 (Assignment) and <br />18 (General Provisions) shall survive this Agreement's termination <br />or expiration. <br />4. License Fees. <br />a. Fees. Client agrees to pay Yardi the Fees in accordance <br />with the payment terms set forth in Schedule A (Fee Schedule). <br />b. Failure to Pay. Client's failure to timely pay any Undis- <br />puted Fee when due Is a material breach subject to the terms of <br />section 3(c) (Termination for Cause). Additionally, Undisputed <br />Fees shall accrue Interest from their due date until paid at the rate <br />of 1.5% per month or the maximum rate allowed under applicable <br />law whichever is less. <br />c. Taxes. The Fees are exclusive of any tariff, duty, or tax, <br />however designated, levied, or based including, without limitation, <br />any taxes based on: (]) this Agreement; (ii) the Licensed Programs, <br />Yards Cloud, Yardi Cloud Services, or Deliverables; (Ili) Client's Use <br />of the Yards Cloud, Yardi Cloud Services, or Licensed Programs; <br />(iv) the Licensed Programs Documentation; or (v) any materials or <br />supplies furnished by Yardi per this Agreement. Client is responsi- <br />ble for all applicable tariffs, duties or taxes (exclusive of taxes <br />based on Yardi's net income) applicable to this Agreement. <br />d. Partial Fee Disputes. If Client reasonably and in good faith <br />disputes any Fees, and provides notice in accord with section 18(Q <br />(Notices) of such dispute, Client agrees that any undisputed portion <br />of such Fees are Undisputed Fees and Client agrees to timely pay <br />any such Undisputed Fees. <br />5. Implementation and Training. <br />a. Third Party Software and Hardware Requirements. Cli- <br />ent Is solely responsible for purchasing, installing and maintaining, <br />at Client's expense, any third party software and hardware neces- <br />sary for Designated Users to access the Yardi Cloud and Use the <br />Licensed Programs and Yardi Cloud Services. Yardi shall not be <br />liable for any such third party software or hardware, and Client <br />acknowledges and agrees that any assistance provided by Yardi in <br />connection with such third party software and hardware shall not <br />alter Client's responsibility or Yardi's liability disclaimer under this <br />section 5(a) (Third Party Software & Hardware Requirements). <br />b. Location. Implementation and training services may (al <br />Client's election) take place at a location specified by Client or via <br />telecommunications. Yardi will bill Client for initial implementa- <br />bonitraining services as indicated in Schedule A (Fee Schedule). <br />Client may request additional on -site implementation/training ser- <br />vices [i.e., in addition to the on -site Implementation/training ser- <br />vices set forth in Schedule A (Fee Schedule)] at any time and Yardi <br />will make commercially reasonable efforts to timely accommodate <br />Client's request. Additional on -site implementation/training ser- <br />vices are subject to the parties' mutual agreement on: (I) the sched- <br />ule for performance of the additional services; and (11) Yardi's Fees <br />for the additional services. Client acknowledges and agrees that no <br />recording of any sort (whether audio, visual, or otherwise) of Yardi <br />Implementation/Training services is allowed under this Agreement <br />or otherwise. <br />c. OnSites. Client acknowledges that in -person implementa- <br />bonllraining service visits at a Client location require a minimum <br />visit of 8 hours per visit. Client agrees to pay all reasonable ex- <br />penses associated with on -site visits including, but not limited to, <br />travel to and from the site, lodging, meals, etc. Client acknowledges <br />that training services for more than 12 Client trainees require Client <br />to pay for 1 additional Yardi trainer for each 12 Client trainees in <br />excess of 12. Client agrees that Client must pay for any Implemen- <br />tation/training services cancelled less than 10 business days prior <br />to their scheduled date. <br />d. Data Conversion. Yardi will bill Client for electronic data <br />conversion services, If initially ordered, at the rate stated in Sched- <br />ule A (Fee Schedule). Absent an agreement to the contrary, Client <br />shall otherwise be solely responsible for data conversion, data <br />Page 2 of 11 <br />Confidential <br />Preparation Date: January 6, 2020 5:03 PM <br />5-33 <br />