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EXHIBIT 2 <br />preparation, data entry and data verification, and any post -conver- <br />sion clean-up. Additional Yardi data conversion services R.e., in ad- <br />dition to any Initial data conversion services set forth in Schedule A <br />(Fee Schedule)) are subject to the parties' mutual agreement on: <br />(1) the schedule for performance of the additional services; and (li) <br />Yardi's Fees for the additional services. <br />e. Testing. Client shall have 90 days commencing upon the <br />Effective Date (the 'Testing Period") to test the Licensed Pro- <br />grams, Yards Cloud and Yardi Cloud Services. At any time during <br />the Testing Period, Client may elect to cease Use of the Licensed <br />Programs, Yardi Cloud and Yardi Cloud Services and cancel this <br />Agreement, in which event Yardi will refund to Client all amounts <br />paid by Client to Yard€ pursuant to this Agreement less reasonable <br />amounts [determined by reference to the Fees/rates indicated in <br />Schedule A (Fee Schedule)] for initial set-up, implementation, train- <br />ing and support of the Licensed Programs, Yardi Cloud and Yardi <br />Cloud Services provided prior to Client's notice of cancellation pur- <br />suant to this section 5(e) (Testing). <br />6. Users and Passwords. <br />a. Designated Users. Client agrees that its exercise of the <br />license granted by this Agreement shall only be through its Desig- <br />nated Users. Client's license to access and Use the Yardi Cloud <br />and Licensed Programs is limited as provided in Schedule A (Fee <br />Schedule). Each Designated User must have a unique Password. <br />b. Password Assignment. Client's application support <br />POC(s) will be Designated Users, will designate the other Desig- <br />nated Users, and will provide each other Designated User with a <br />Password. Each Password shall be personal and unique to the ap- <br />plicable Designated User, and may not be used by anyone other <br />than such Designated User. Each Password may only be used <br />from 1 computer at any given time. Client shall be responsible for <br />maintaining Designated User Password security. <br />c. Client Obligations with Respect to Designated Users. <br />Client shall inform each Designated User of this Agreement's terms <br />and restrictions and shall enforce such restrictions. Client agrees <br />to notify Yardi If Client becomes aware of any failure of a Desig- <br />nated User to adhere to the license terms and restrictions in this <br />Agreement. <br />7. Application Support & Upgrades. <br />a. Application Support Service. Yardi will provide applica- <br />tion support and upgrades for the Licensed Programs as set forth <br />in this section 7 (Application Support & Upgrades). <br />b. Client Contacts. Client agrees to appoint application sup- <br />port POC(s). Client may change the application support POC(s) <br />upon advance written notice to Yardi. Yardi shall have no obligation <br />to contact, or communicate with, anyone regarding application sup- <br />port and maintenance Issues except Client's application support <br />POC(s). Client acknowledges that it is Client's responsibility to <br />keep Client's application support POC(s) current, and to notify <br />Yardi of any changes. <br />c. Yards Contacts. During initial implementation, Yardi shall <br />appoint an account manager to Client's account. After Initiai imple- <br />mentation, Yards will either assign Client to an account manager or <br />an application support team. Yardi may change the Identity of indi- <br />vidual account managers from time to time upon notice to Client. <br />Client's application support records relating to Client will be availa- <br />ble to Yardi's entire application support team at all times. <br />d. Application Support Services. Yards shall provide appli- <br />cation support for the Licensed Programs through its account man- <br />agers and technical staff to Client's application support POC(s). <br />Application support does not include on -site installation, implemen- <br />tation, training, or testing of the Licensed Programs, nor does it in- <br />clude data conversion. Those services, If initially ordered, are spec- <br />ified in Schedule A (Fee Schedule). Yardi's application support ser- <br />vice team will use commercially reasonable efforts to address and <br />solve Client's issues but cannot guarantee satisfaction in every <br />case. <br />e. Total Hours Included. Client's annual application support <br />allotment is specified in Schedule B. <br />L Application Support Hours. Yardi's application support <br />hours are from 6:00 am to 5:00 pm (Pack Time) Monday through <br />Friday (excluding holidays). <br />g. Priority. <br />(1) Yardi shall have the right to prioritize application support <br />requests according to the application support issue's Impact on Cli- <br />ent. Yards will prioritize application support requests in the following <br />order: <br />Priority 1: Business hailed (total inability to perform normal opera- <br />tion) <br />Client will submit support requests by telephone to <br />Yardi's application support number. <br />Response as rapid as reasonably feasible — generally <br />within 2 business hours. <br />Priority 2: Business impacted (severe restriction of Client's Use of <br />the Licensed Programs — a potentially critical problem) <br />• Client will submit support requests by telephone to <br />Yardi's application support number. <br />• Prompt response subject only to delays for priority 1 is- <br />sues, generally within 4 business hours. <br />Priority 3: Non -critical service requests (any issue that is not a Pri- <br />ority 1 or Priority 2 issue) <br />• Client will submit support request by telecommunications <br />to Yardi application support. <br />• Response subject to delays for priority 1 and 2 issues, <br />generally within 1 business day. <br />(€i) Yard€ will work on Priority 1 and 2 issues with continuous <br />focus, and with Client's cooperation, through resolution. <br />h. Standard Tenn. Application support services are subject <br />to this Agreement's terms and timely payment of all Undisputed <br />Fees. Subject to the section 3(c) (Termination for Cause) notice <br />and cure provisions, Yardi may suspend application support ser- <br />vices if Client fails to timely make any Undisputed Fee payment. <br />I. Obsolescence. Yardi reserves the right to cease providing <br />application support services for the Licensed Programs on the later <br />of: (1) 3 years from the date on which Yardi ceases to license the <br />Licensed Programs; or (li) 5 years from the Effective Date. Yardi <br />agrees to notify Client if and when Yardi will cease application sup- <br />port services in accord with this section 7(i) (Obsolescence). <br />S. Client Data. <br />a. Client Data Storage. Subject to Force Majeure Events, <br />Yards agrees to store Client Data on a virtual database server in <br />the Yards Cloud. <br />b. Limited Liability for Unauthorized Client Data Access. <br />Yards agrees to use: (1) firewalls and other technology generally <br />used in the trade to prevent unauthorized 3'd party access to its <br />computer systems storing Client Data; and (ii) encryption technol- <br />ogy generally used in the trade to prevent unauthorized 31d party <br />access to Client Data transmissions. Notwithstanding the forego- <br />ing, Yardi shall not be liable to Client in the event that: (A) its use <br />Page 3 of 11 <br />Confidential <br />Preparation Date: January 6, 2020 5:03 PM <br />5-34 <br />