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EXHIBIT 2 <br />process provided in this Agreement. <br />b. Mediation Process. The parties will select a neutral, inde- <br />pendent mediator with experience In the relevant subject matter by <br />the rules of the office of the Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Ser- <br />vice (JAMS) closest to the mediation venue. The parties shall con- <br />duct the mediation not less than 10 or more than 20 days from the <br />date the party requesting mediation gives notice of the request for <br />mediation to the other party. The parties shall conduct the media- <br />tion in Santa Barbara, California. The parties shall equally bear the <br />mediation costs. <br />c. Mediation Confidentlality. The parties shall maintain the <br />mediation proceedings in confidence and shall not disclose to third <br />persons the statements made in mediation by the other parties or <br />the mediator. The mediation confidentiality provisions of California <br />Evidence Code sections 1115 —1128 shall apply to the mediation <br />proceedings. <br />d. Mediation Statements; Attendee Authority. At least 5 <br />days before the date of the mediation, each parry shall provide the <br />mediator and the other party with a statement of its position and <br />copies of supporting documents. Each party shall send to the me- <br />diation a person who has authority to bind the parry. <br />a. Non -Binding. If a party participates in good faith in a me- <br />diation and is dissatisfied with the outcome, that party may then <br />Invoke all legal rights and remedies available to the party at law or <br />In equity. <br />18. General Provisions. <br />a. Independent Contractor Status. The parties agree that <br />they are Independent contractors and nothing in this Agreement Is <br />intended to make the parties partners, agents, joint venturers, or <br />any other form of joint enterprise, or to make the employees, <br />agents, or representatives of one of the parties Into employees, <br />agents, or representatives of the other party. No party to this Agree- <br />ment shall have any express or implied right or authority to assume <br />or create any obligations on behalf of the other party or to bind the <br />other party to any contract, agreement, or undertaking with any <br />third party. <br />b. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed and <br />determined by the laws of the United Stales and the Stale of Cali- <br />fornia as such laws are applied to agreements made and per- <br />formed entirely within the State of California. <br />c. Venue. Any action or proceeding related to or arising out of <br />this Agreement shall be resolved only in a court of competent juris- <br />diction in the County of Orange, State of California (or the court of <br />competent jurisdiction closest to the County of Orange, CA if no <br />court of competent jurisdiction resides in the County of Orange, <br />CA), and the parties consent to the personal jurisdiction of such <br />courts and expressly waive any right they may otherwise have to <br />cause any such action or proceeding to be brought or tried else- <br />where. <br />d. Injunctive Relief. <br />(1) Yardi Injunctive Relief. The parties acknowledge and <br />agree that, if Client breaches any of its obligations under sections <br />2(a) (Licenses). 2(b) (Restrictions), 9 (Confidentiality) or 15 (As- <br />signment), Yardl might incur irreparable harm and damage that <br />might not be fully compensated with monetary damages. Accord- <br />Ingly, if Client breaches any provision of sections 2(a) (Licenses), <br />2(b) (Restrictions), 9 (Confidentiality), or 15 (Assignment) Yardi <br />may seek specific performance of Client's obligations under those <br />sections and injunctive relief against any further violations of those <br />sections. <br />(ii) p,Ii,ent Injunctive Relief. The parties acknowledge and <br />agree that, If Yardi breaches any of Its obligations under section 9 <br />(Confidentiality) Client might incur Irreparable harm and damage <br />that might not be fully compensated with monetary damages. Ac- <br />cordingly, if Yardi breaches any provision of section 9 (Confidenti- <br />ality) Client may seek specific performance of Yardi's obligations <br />under that section and Injunctive relief against any further violations <br />of that section. <br />e. Binding Effect. This Agreement Is binding on and Inures <br />to the benefit of the parties and their permitted assigns, succes- <br />sors, and legal representatives. <br />f. Notices. <br />(i) The parties shall deliver any notice required by this <br />Agreement by personal delivery, certified U.S. Mail return receipt <br />requested, or established, reputable expedited delivery carrier <br />providing proof of delivery service, and will be deemed given upon <br />confirmed delivery to the party to whom it is Intended at its record <br />address. The record addresses of the parties are set forth below. <br />(ii) If to Client: <br />HOUSING AUTHORITY OF THE <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />20 Civic Center Plaza, F12 <br />Santa Ana, CA 92701 <br />(III) If to Yardi: <br />Attn: Legal Department <br />YARDI SYSTEMS, INC. <br />430 S. Fairview Ave. <br />Goleta, CA 93117 <br />(iv) Either party may change its record address by giving <br />written notice of such change to the other party. <br />g. Waiver. The waiver of a party's breach of this Agreement <br />shall not operate or be construed as a waiver of any other or sub- <br />sequent breach. <br />h. Severability. If a court or other body of oompetent jurisdic- <br />tion determines that any part of this Agreement is unenforceable, <br />the remainder of this Agreement shall nevertheless remain en- <br />forceable. <br />i. Headings. This Agreement's section headings and cap- <br />tions are Inserted forconvenience only and are not intended to form <br />a material part of this Agreement. <br />J. Data Use. Yardi may aggregate, compile, and use Client <br />Data in order to Improve, develop or enhance the Licensed Pro- <br />grams and/or other services offered, or to be offered, by Yard!; pro- <br />vided that no Client Data is identifiable as originating from, or can <br />be traced back to, Client or a Client customer, tenant or resident in <br />such aggregated form. <br />k. Entire Agreement. This Agreement constitutes the final, <br />complete, and exclusive statement of the agreement between the <br />parties pertaining to this Agreement's subject matter and super- <br />sedes all prior and contemporaneous understandings or agree- <br />ments of the parties. No parry has been induced to enter into this <br />Agreement by, nor is any party relying on, any representation or <br />warranty except those inducements, representations and warran- <br />ties expressly set forth in this Agreement. <br />I. NonSoliciUNon-Hire. The parties agree not to solicit <br />(other than a general solicitation to the public) the employment of, <br />engage as an independent contractor, or hire, any employee of the <br />other party while such person is an employee of the other party and <br />until such person has not been an employee of the other parry for <br />6 months. <br />Page 6 of 11 <br />Confidential <br />Preparation Dale: January 6, 2020 5:03 PM <br />5-37 <br />