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EXHIBIT 2 <br />thins parties can impair or disrupt the Internet. Yardi will use com- <br />mercially reasonable efforts to remedy and avoid such events, but <br />cannot guarantee that such events will not occur. Accordingly, <br />Yardi disclaims any liability resulting from or relating to such <br />events. <br />11. Daman Limitations. <br />a. Damage Waiver. REGARDLESS OF ANY OTHER PRO- <br />VISION IN THIS AGREEMENT, AND TO THE FULLEST EXTENT <br />ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, YARDI DISCLAIMS ALL OB- <br />LIGATIONS AND LIABILITIES FOR SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCI- <br />DENTAL, EXEMPLARY, PUNITIVE AND CONSEQUENTIAL <br />DAMAGES, ATTORNEYS' AND EXPERTS' FEES, AND COURT <br />COSTS (EVEN 1F YARDI HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSI- <br />BILITY OF THESE DAMAGES), ARISING FROM OR IN CON- <br />NECTION WITH THIS AGREEMENT. <br />b. Liability Limit IN ADDITION TO THE LIMITATIONS <br />OTHERWISE SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, AND TO THE <br />FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED BY APPLICABLE LAW, CLIENT <br />AGREES THAT IN THE EVENT OF ANY CLAIM OR CAUSE OF <br />ACTION BY CLIENT ARISING OUT OF OR CONNECTED WITH <br />THIS AGREEMENT, YARDI'S MAXIMUM LIABILITY TO CLIENT, <br />REGARDLESS OF THE AMOUNT OF LOSS CLIENT MAY HAVE <br />SUFFERED, SHALL NOT EXCEED THE FEES PAID BY CLIENT <br />TO YARDI PURSUANT TO THIS AGREEMENT WITHIN THE <br />YEAR PRIOR TO THE EVENT GIVING RISE TO THE LIABILITY. <br />12. Ownership <br />a. Yardi's Ownership. Client agrees that, as between Yardi <br />and Client, Yardi is and shall remain the sole and exclusive owner <br />of all right, title and interest in and to the Licensed Programs, De- <br />liverables, Yardi Cloud, Yard! Cloud Services, and Licensed Pro- <br />grams Documentation, and to all intellectual property rights in the <br />foregoing. The only rights Client obtains in the Licensed Programs, <br />Deliverables, Yards Cloud, Yards Cloud Services, and Licensed <br />Programs Documentation are the licenses expressly granted to Cli- <br />ent in this Agreement. <br />b. Client's Ownership. Yardi agrees that, as between Yardl <br />and Client, Client is and shall remain the sole and exclusive owner <br />of all right, title and interest in and to Client Data. <br />13. Indemnification. <br />a. Indemnity. Yardi agrees to defend, indemnify and hold Cli- <br />ent harmless from and against any third party claims, actions or <br />demands alleging that Client's Use of the Yardi Cloud, Yardi Cloud <br />Services, Licensed Programs, Licensed Programs Documentation, <br />and Deliverables in accordance with this Agreement's terms in- <br />fringes on a third parry's proprietary information, trademark, copy- <br />right, patent rights or intellectual property rights, or misappropriates <br />a third parry's trade secrets. <br />b, Indemnity Conditions. Yardi's defense and indemnifica- <br />tion obligation per section 13(a) (Indemnity) is conditioned upon the <br />following: (i) Client providing Yardi with prompt written notice of any <br />claim for which Indemnification is sought; (ii) Yardi having sole con- <br />trol of the defense and settlement of such claim, provided, how- <br />ever, that Client shall have the right to have any suit or proceeding <br />monitored by counsel of Client's cholce and at Its expense; and (III) <br />Client's reasonable cooperation with Yardi in the defense and set- <br />tlement of the claim. <br />c. Injunction. If the Licensed Programs become the subject <br />of a patent, trademark, copyright, or trade secret misappropriation <br />or Infringement claim, and such claim results — or Is reasonably <br />likely to result — In an injunction against Client's continued Use of <br />the Licensed Programs, Yardi will: (I) replace or modify the Li- <br />censed Programs to avoid the misappropriationlinfringement claim; <br />(i) secure Client's right to continue Use of the Licensed Programs; <br />or (ill) if neither (i) or (ii) is commercially practicable, either party <br />may terminate this Agreement upon written notice to the other <br />party. <br />14. Programming Services. <br />a. Programming Services. Yardi provides programming ser- <br />vices including, without limitation, database customizations, user <br />Interface customizations, database reports, database scripts and <br />other programming services (collectively, 'Programming Ser- <br />vices"). <br />b. Programming Services Terms. The Fees for Program- <br />ming Services, If initially ordered, are set forth In Schedule A (Fee <br />Schedule). Client will otherwise Initiate Programming Service re- <br />quests by providing written notice of the desired services to Yardl, <br />and Yards will advise Client of Yardi's availability and schedule for <br />performing the Programming Services. Programming Services are <br />subject to Client's written acceptance of (1) Yardi's schedule for <br />meeting Client's Programming Service request; and (ii) Yardi's <br />Fees for such Programming Services. <br />c. Deliverables License. Subject to Client's full payment of <br />all Undisputed Fees related to Programming Services, Yardi grants <br />to Client a non-exclusive, non -transferable (except as expressly <br />provided in this Agreement), limited license for Designated Users <br />to Use the Deliverables in connection with their Use of the Licensed <br />Programs, Yardi Cloud and Yardi Cloud Services. <br />15. Assignment <br />a. Assignment Limitation. Except for the exceptions speci- <br />fied in section 15(b) (the "Permitted Exceptions"), Client shall not <br />(either directly or indirectly) assign, sell, convey, pledge, or other- <br />wise transfer this Agreement without first obtaining Yardi's express <br />written consent, which Yards shall not unreasonably withhold. Ex- <br />cept for the Permitted Exceptions, any attempted assignment made <br />Without Yardi's prior express written consent is void and a material <br />breach of this Agreement. <br />b. Permitted Exceptions. Subject to the conditions prece- <br />dent set forth in this section 15(b) (Permitted Exceptions), Client <br />may assign this Agreement without Yardi's prior consent and upon <br />notice: (1) to a wholly owned subsidiary; or (ii) in connection with <br />any merger, acquisition, or reorganization involving Client. Any as- <br />signment is subject to the following conditions: (A) Client, or Cli- <br />ent's successor, continuing in the same type of business that Client <br />was conducting at the time of this Agreement's execution; and (B) <br />Client or Client's successor providing to Yardi a written ratification <br />and assumption of this Agreement (in a form reasonably satisfac- <br />tory to Yards) concurrent with the assignment. <br />16.Outsourcina. <br />a. Server Location. Yards reserves the right to locate the vir- <br />tual servers and other equipment needed to provide the Yardi <br />Cloud either at its facilities or at the facilities of independent service <br />providers. Yardi may change the location of the virtual servers and <br />other equipment needed to provide the Yardi Cloud at any time <br />during this Agreement's Term; provided that any such change of <br />location shall not affect Yardi's obligations under this Agreement <br />and shall not Interrupt Client's access to the Yardi Cloud, Client <br />Data, and Licensed Programs. <br />17. Mediation. <br />a. Mediation Request; Condition Precedent. In the event of <br />a dispute arising out of or related to this Agreement which the par- <br />ties are unable to resolve through direct negotiation, either party <br />may serve upon the other at Its principal place of business a re- <br />quest for mediation. Neither party may file an action against the <br />other in any court, or initiate any other legal proceeding, unless and <br />until the party seeking to do so has first requested a mediation <br />hearing and made a good faith effort to complete the mediation <br />Page 5 of 11 <br />Confidential <br />Preparation Date: January 6, 2020 5:03 PM <br />5-36 <br />