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EXHIBIT A <br />Resolution No. _____ Page 21 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />related to temporary construction noise would occur from implementation of the Modified Project. (Final <br />EIR, Clarifications to the Final EIR, Section 3.8.) <br /> <br />8.5 Tribal Cultural Resources <br /> <br />8.5.1 Impact on Significant Tribal Cultural Resource <br /> <br />Threshold: Would the Project cause a substantial adverse change in the significance of a tribal <br />cultural resource, defined in Public Resources Code section 21074 as either a site, feature, place, cultural <br />landscape that is geographically defined in terms of the size and scope of the landscape, sacred place, or <br />object with cultural value to a California Native American tribe, and that is a resource determined by the <br />lead agency, in its discretion and supported by substantial evidence, to be significant pursuant to criteria <br />set forth in subdivision (c) of Public Resources Code section 5024.1? <br /> <br />Finding: Less than significant impact with mitigation incorporated. (DEIR, pp. 4.12-4 through 4.12-5.) <br /> <br />Facts in Support of Findings: The Project site has been heavily disturbed to substantial depths in various <br />portions of the Project site. The Project involves excavation and no substantial evidence exists that tribal <br />cultural resources are present in the Project site. However, during the SB 18/AB 52 consultation, the <br />Gabrieleño Band of Mission Indians – Kizh Nation stated that the Project lies within its ancestral tribal <br />territory within a sensitive area. Therefore, to avoid potential adverse effects to unknown tribal cultural <br />resources, Mitigation Measure TCR-1 has been included to provide for Native American resource <br />sensitivity training and to prescribe activities should any inadvertent discoveries of tribal cultural <br />resources be unearthed by Project construction activities. <br /> <br />Additionally, California Health and Safety Code, Section 7050.5 requires that if human remains are <br />discovered at the Project site, disturbance of the site shall halt and remain halted until the coroner has <br />conducted an investigation. If the coroner determines that the remains are those of a Native American, he <br />or she shall contact, by telephone within 24 hours, the Native American Heritage Commission. Therefore, <br />with implementation of Mitigation Measure TCR-1 and the existing regulations, impacts to tribal cultural <br />resources would be less than significant. <br /> <br />Mitigation Measure TCR-1: Inadvertent Discoveries. The Project’s grading and construction plans and <br />specifications shall state that prior to commencement of any excavation activities, a Native American shall <br />be contacted to conduct a Native American Indian Sensitivity Training for construction personnel. The <br />training session includes a handout and focus on how to identify Native American resources encountered <br />during earthmoving activities and the procedures followed if resources are discovered. <br />In the event that tribal cultural resources are inadvertently discovered during ground-disturbing activities, <br />work must be halted within 50 feet of the find until it can be evaluated by a qualified archaeologist in <br />cooperation with a Native American monitor to determine if the potential resource meet the CEQA <br />definition of historical (State CEQA Guidelines 15064.5(a)) and/or unique resource (Public Resources <br />Code 21083.2(g)). Construction activities could continue in other areas. <br />If the find is considered a “resource” the archaeologist, in cooperation with a Native American monitor <br />shall pursue either protection in place or recovery, salvage and treatment of the deposits. Recovery, <br />salvage and treatment protocols shall be developed in accordance with applicable provisions of Public <br />Resource Code Section 21083.2 and State CEQA Guidelines 15064.5 and 15126.4. If unique a tribal <br />2-51