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EXHIBIT A <br />Resolution No. _____ Page 26 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />significance thresholds. Thus, the construction and operation of the Project would not result in a violation <br />of an air quality standard or substantially contribute to an existing or projected air quality violation. (DEIR, <br />p. 4.2-15 through 4.2-16.) <br /> <br />Consistent with the Original Project, the Modified Project would generate air quality emissions from <br />construction and operation of the proposed multi-family residential units. However, the same construction <br />mitigation would reduce impacts to a less than significant level and the Modified Project would constitute <br />growth that is consistent with the AQMP. In addition, because the Modified Project is 48 percent smaller <br />than the Original Project, it would result in fewer stationary source and vehicular related emissions. Based <br />on the foregoing, none of the conditions identified in CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5 that would trigger <br />the need to prepare a recirculated EIR or other environmental document exist. The Modified Project would <br />not result in either a new significant environmental impact or a substantial increase in the severity of a <br />previously identified impact. (Final EIR, Clarifications to the Final EIR, Section 3.2.) <br /> <br />9.3.3 Cumulative Increase of Criteria Pollutant <br /> <br />Threshold: Would the Project result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria <br />pollutant for which the project region is in non-attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air <br />quality standard (including releasing emissions which exceed quantitative thresholds for ozone <br />precursors)? <br /> <br />Finding: Less than significant impact. (DEIR, p. 4.2-16 through 4.2-17.) <br /> <br />Facts in Support of Finding: The Project would not result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of <br />any criteria pollutant for which the project region is in non-attainment under an applicable federal or state <br />ambient air quality standard (DEIR, p. 4.2-16 through 4.2-17.) SCAQMD’s cumulative air quality <br />methodology provides that if an individual project results in air emissions of criteria pollutants that exceed <br />the SCAQMD’s daily thresholds for project-specific impacts, then the project would also result in a <br />cumulatively considerable net increase of criteria pollutant(s) for which the project region is in non- <br />attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard. As shown in the DEIR, <br />implementation of the Project would not exceed SCAQMD’s applicable thresholds. Therefore, impacts <br />related to a cumulatively considerable net increase of a criteria pollutant for which the project region is in <br />non-attainment would be less than significant. (DEIR, p. 4.2-16 through 4.2-17.) <br /> <br />Consistent with the Original Project, the Modified Project would generate air quality emissions from <br />construction and operation of the proposed multi-family residential units. However, the same construction <br />mitigation would reduce impacts to a less than significant level and the Modified Project would constitute <br />growth that is consistent with the AQMP. In addition, because the Modified Project is 48 percent smaller <br />than the Original Project, it would result in fewer stationary source and vehicular related emissions. Based <br />on the foregoing, none of the conditions identified in CEQA Guidelines Section 15088.5 that would trigger <br />the need to prepare a recirculated EIR or other environmental document exist. The Modified Project would <br />not result in either a new significant environmental impact or a substantial increase in the severity of a <br />previously identified impact. (Final EIR, Clarifications to the Final EIR, Section 3.2.) <br /> <br />9.3.4 Objectionable Odors <br /> <br />Threshold: Would the Project create objectionable odors affecting a substantial number of <br />people? <br />2-56