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EXHIBIT A <br />Resolution No. _____ Page 25 of 76 <br />Certification of the Magnolia at the Park EIR <br />implementation of the Project that could result in conversion of farmland to nonagricultural use of forest <br />land to non-forest use. (Initial Study, p. 18.) This conclusion also applies, for the same reasons, to the <br />Modified Project. <br /> <br />9.3 Air Quality <br /> <br />9.3.1 Applicable Air Quality Plans <br /> <br />Threshold: Would the Project conflict with or obstruct implementation of the applicable air <br />quality plan? <br /> <br />Finding: Less than significant impact. (DEIR, p. 4.2-14.) <br /> <br />Facts in Support of Finding: As discussed in the DEIR, Projects that are consistent with the regional <br />population, housing, and employment forecasts identified by the Southern California Association of <br />Governments (SCAG) are considered to be consistent with the AQMP. Here, the Project would not <br />conflict with or obstruct implementation of the SCAQMD’s 2016 Air Quality Management Plan (AQMP), <br />which is the applicable air quality plan for the Project, because the Project is consistent with SCAG’s <br />population, housing, and employment forecasts. Notably, the 496 new multi-family units resulting from <br />the Project would constitute a 0.6 percent increase in the total number of residential units in the City, and <br />a 2 percent increase in the number of the multi-family residential units (5+ units) within the City. The <br />Project’s multi-family units would be within the SCAG projected growth. The housing added by the <br />Project would also help to meet housing demands from projected employment growth in the City while <br />maintaining a healthy vacancy rate. (DEIR, pp. 4.2-14 through 4.2-15.) <br /> <br />Moreover, the Santa Ana and City of Orange areas are jobs-rich. The existing jobs-housing ratio is 2.06 <br />in Santa Ana and is projected to be 2.13 in 2040. The Project would reduce the jobs-housing ratio slightly <br />to 2.05; and to 2.11 in 2040, as shown in Section 4.9, Population and Housing, of the DEIR. The balance <br />of jobs and housing and the bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure implemented by the Project would reduce <br />vehicle miles traveled and the related air quality emissions, as employees could easily travel to <br />employment opportunities within the Santa Ana and City of Orange areas. Thus, the Project would support <br />AQMP objectives to reduce trips, promote infill development, and balance jobs and housing, and would <br />not conflict with implementation of the AQMP. (DEIR, p. 4.2-15.) This conclusion also applies, for the <br />same reasons, to the Modified Project. <br /> <br />Further still, as discussed in the DEIR, the Project would not exceed any air quality standards. (DEIR, p. <br />4.2-15.) This conclusion also applies, for the same reasons, to the Modified Project. <br /> <br />9.3.2 Air Quality Standards <br /> <br />Threshold: Would the Project violate any air quality standard or contribute substantially to an <br />existing or projected air quality violation? <br /> <br />Finding: Less than significant impact. (DEIR, p. 4.2-15 through 4.2-16.) <br /> <br />Facts in Support of Finding: The Project would not violate any air quality standard or contribute <br />substantially to an existing or projected air quality violation. As detailed in DEIR Section 4.2, Air Quality, <br />the maximum daily construction and operational emissions would not exceed any of SCAQMD’s daily <br />2-55