youth and families deserve first-class rnentoring, support systems for the whole family. The Boys and
<br />Girls Club equips members with 21st-ceutuyskilis and ensure that 100% or members graduate high
<br />school and have a plan for their futures. All children participate in it structured program experience,
<br />ensuring that they go through a balanced set of programs designed to help them reach their full
<br />potential. This model offers a structured daily rotation consisting of academic reinforcement, fitness,
<br />and enrichment programs.
<br />Community Health Lnitiadve of Orange County. Ms. Khong directed the donation of $800 to the
<br />Community Health initiative of Orange County, CHI Oc s a non-profit agency dedicated to reducing
<br />the number of uninsured children In Orange County. They help families by screening them for health
<br />care and social services programs, determining their eligibility and assisting them with the
<br />enrollment process. According to a recent report from Georgetown University, there are an estimated
<br />745,000 uninsured children In California, with approximately 60,000 or those children resitting in
<br />Orange County. These children are 9 times more likely to be hospitalized for a preventable condition
<br />and can cost the county up to $25 million each year.
<br />Grandma's House of Hope. Ms, Khong directed the donation of $602.27 to Grandma's House of Hope,
<br />This non profit has a women's housing program that specializes in serving uniquely challenged
<br />women who fall between the cracks of existing programs, Another program includes tlhe Education
<br />and Enrichment Canter which provides workforce development services, youth programming, family
<br />classes, after -school tutoring, adult education, and health and wellness classes, 'Cie third program of
<br />Grandmas's House of Hope is Nana's I<idz, which provides weekend and summer nutritional support
<br />for children living in motels, along with annual outreach events and holiday patties that gives every
<br />child In the program 'necessities such as new shoes, a new backpack with school supplies, and toys
<br />for Christmas.
<br />Children's Hospital of Orange County, Ms. 1<houg and her stare also participate directly In charity
<br />events. This year on Valentine's [lay all locations participated in a special holiday event at Children's
<br />Hospital of Orange County. 300 plush animals at a value of $2,300 were donated to CHOC for CHOC
<br />staff to distribute to kids throughout the hospital in all treatment areas. These plush animals helped
<br />to brighten the clay for those seriously ill children who were not able to enjoy the holiday in the
<br />comfort of their own homes.
<br />Nlax. Lave Project. Nis. Khong directed the donation of $604,60 to Max Love project towards their
<br />general fund. Max Love Project's mission is to empower families fighting childhood cancers and
<br />related life -threatening conditions with quality of life care, fierce foods, whole -body wellness
<br />resources, education, and research. They believe that all kids should have full access to every cancer -
<br />fighting tool available, including excellent nutrition and therapeutic resources such as acupuncture,
<br />physical activity, and healing narratives.
<br />Kidsworlcs - Orontde County. Ms. Khong directed the donation of $3,000 to Kidworks OC. Kidworks
<br />OC is a ncm-profit educational organization which provides programs for 300 members of all ages
<br />including preschool, children, youth, and adults. Their members are among the poorest in Santa Ana
<br />and all programs revolve around giving members the tools to prosper and expose them to
<br />Opportunities, Two of their major projects are the after -school program for kids kindergarten
<br />through 5tih grade where reading, homework and English skills are provided, Another major event is
<br />their annual summer program which runs July -August, The donation was made specifically to find
<br />duns summer program. 'fine summer program educates and enriches children whom otherwise would
<br />spend their break at hmne with little stimulation.
<br />Community Benefit
<br />Ms. Khong also requires that the locations site manages to give back to the community offering free
<br />educational seminars. One seminar was conducted by Baomspharnn for members and the general
<br />public to become better educated oil medical cannabis, Topics discussed in sessions included indoor
<br />growing, sun -grown cannabis, greenhouse growing, extractions, edibles, Infusions, marketing, and
<br />