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2) have moved from the acquired property, and <br />3) have not filed a claim for benefits. <br />Reminder Notices will be issued periodically throughout the qualification period. An attempt shall <br />be made to make written contact with all non -responsive relocatees no later than within the last six <br />months prior to the filing expiration date. <br />Eviction Policy <br />The Developer recognizes that eviction is permissible only as a last resort and that relocation <br />records must be documented to reflect the specific circumstances surrounding any eviction. <br />Eviction will only take place in cases of nonpayment of rent, serious violation of the rental <br />agreement, a dangerous or illegal act on the premises, or if the business refuses all reasonable <br />offers to move. If the business is evicted for cause, this may result in the loss of all potential <br />relocation benefits for the business. <br />Immigration Status <br />Pursuant to the Public Law 105-117, in order to be eligible to receive non-residential relocation <br />benefits in federally -funded projects, in the case of an unincorporated business, each owner must <br />be either a citizen or national of the United States, or an alien who is lawfully present in the United <br />States. The owner of a sole proprietorship and all owners of a partnership must provide information <br />regarding their lawful presence in the United States, and a for -profit or a non-profit corporation <br />must certify that it is authorized to conduct business within the United States. <br />Owners of sole proprietorships or partnerships, who are not lawfully present in the United States, <br />or who decline to provide this information, are not eligible for relocation assistance, unless such <br />ineligibility would result in an exceptional and extremely unusual hardship to the alien's spouse, <br />parent, or child, any of whom is a citizen or an alien admitted for permanent residence. Exceptional <br />and extremely unusual hardship is detfined as significant and demonstrable adverse impact on the <br />health or safety, continued existence of the family unit, and any other impact determined by the <br />Displacing Agency to negatively affect the alien's spouse, parent or child. <br />However, the Developer will pay benefits to a non -legally present, but otherwise eligible, business <br />owner with non-federal funds. <br />In order to track and account for relocation assistance and benefit payments, the Developer will be <br />required to seek immigration status information from each sole proprietor and/or partner having <br />them self -certify as to their legal status. <br />Privacy of Records <br />All information obtained from displacees is considered confidential and will not be shared without <br />the consent of the displacee or the Developer. Relocation staff will comply with federal regulations <br />concerning the safeguarding of relocation files and their contents. <br />Appeals Policy <br />A person who is dissatisfied with a determination as to eligibility for benefits, a payment amount, <br />or the Developer's property management practices may file a Relocation Assistance Appeal Form <br />or any other written form of appeal with the Developer and have the right of administrative review. <br />National Community Renaissance <br />Legacy Square Project <br />Relocation Plan <br />12 55A-16 <br />