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Relocation Tax Consequences <br />In general, relocation payments are not considered income for the purpose of Division 2 of the <br />Internal Revenue Code of 1954, which has been redesignated as the Internal Revenue Code of <br />1986 (Title 26, U. S. Code), or for the purpose of determining the eligibility or the extent of <br />eligibility of any person for assistance under the Social Security Act (42 U. S. Code 301 et seq.) <br />or the Personal Income Tax Law, Part 10 (commencing with Section 17001) of the Revenue and <br />Taxation Code, or the Bank and Corporation Tax Law, Part II (commencing with Section 23001) <br />of Division 2 of the Revenue and Taxation Code. The above statement on tax consequences is not <br />intended as tax advice by the Developer. Displacees are responsible for consulting with their own <br />tax advisors concerning the tax consequences of relocation payments. <br />Notices <br />Each notice, which the Developer is required to provide to a Project occupant, shall be personally <br />delivered or sent by certified or registered first-class mail, return receipt requested and documented <br />in the case file. Each notice will be written in plain, understandable language. Persons who are <br />unable to read and understand any notice will be provided with appropriate translation and <br />counseling. Each notice will indicate the name and telephone number of a person who may be <br />contacted for answers to questions or other needed help. <br />There are three principal notices: <br />1) the General Information Notice <br />2) the Notice of Relocation Eligibility, and <br />3) the Ninety -Day Vacate Notice. <br />The General Information Notice (GIN) is intended to provide potential relocatees with a general <br />written description of the Developer's relocation program and basic information concerning <br />benefits, conditions of eligibility, noticing requirements and appeal rights (Exhibit B). The GIN <br />is issued as early as is feasible in the initial stages of a Project, preferably, the planning stage. A <br />GIN was mailed via general and certified mailing on November 16, 2018 to the site occupants. <br />A Notice of Relocation Eligibility (NOE) will be distributed to the non-residential relocatee. The <br />NOE to business operators acknowledges the recipient's eligibility for assistance and right to make <br />claims for relocation assistance benefits. The NOE is expected to be issued to the business owner <br />once all project funding is in place. <br />No lawful occupant will be required to move without having received at least 90 days advance <br />written notice of the earliest date by which the move will be necessary. The 90-day vacate notice <br />will either state a specific date as the earliest date by which the occupant may be required to move <br />or state that the occupant will receive a further notice indicating, at least 30 days in advance, the <br />specific date of the required move. <br />In addition to the three principal notices, relocation staff will issue timely written notification in <br />the form of a Reminder Notice, which discusses the possible loss of rights and sets the expiration <br />date for the loss of benefits to those persons who: <br />1) are eligible for monetary benefits, <br />National Community Renaissance <br />Legacy Square Project <br />Relocation Plan <br />11 55A-15 <br />