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ONE BROADWAY PLAZA PROJECT EIR ADDENDUM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />5. Environmental Analysis <br />regulations; establishes permitting requirements for stationary sources; inspects emissions sources; and enforces <br />such measures through educational programs or fines, when necessary for over an approximately 10,743 square - <br />mile area. The SCAQMD is directly responsible for reducing emissions from stationary (area and point), mobile, <br />and indirect sources. The Proposed Project supports AQMP objectives to reduce trips, promote infill <br />development, and balance jobs and housing and would not conflict with implementation of the AQMP. <br />In March of 2017, the SCAQMD Governing Board released the Final 2016 AQMP, which continues to evaluate <br />current integrated strategies and control measures to meet the NAAQS, as well as, explore new and innovative <br />methods to reach its goals. Some of these approaches include utilizing incentive programs, recognizing existing <br />co -benefit programs from other sectors, and developing a strategy with fair -share reductions at the federal, <br />state, and local levels. <br />The two principal criteria for conformance with the AQMP are: <br />1. Whether the project would result in an increase in the frequency or severity of existing air quality <br />violations or contribute to new violations or delay the timely attainment of air quality standards or <br />the interim emissions reductions specified in the AQMP. <br />2. Whether the project would exceed the assumptions in the AQMP based on the years of Project <br />build -out phase. <br />With respect to the first criterion, implementation of the Proposed Project would not exceed the regional <br />significance thresholds for construction or operational activity after implementation. Therefore, the Proposed <br />Project would not conflict with the AQMP according to this criterion. The Proposed Project would not generate <br />short-term or long-term emissions of criteria pollutants that could potentially cause an increase in the frequency <br />or severity of existing air quality violations; cause or contribute to new violations; or delay timely attainment of <br />air quality standards beyond those impacts considered in the Certified EIR. <br />With respect to the second criterion, implementation of the Proposed Project according to the AQ/GHG <br />Memo prepared by Urban Crossroads would not exceed regional or local thresholds for construction or <br />operational impacts and would therefore have less than significant impacts. The Proposed Project would not <br />exceed SCAG's population, housing, or employment projections. The Project would not result in or cause <br />NAAQS or CAAQS violations nor would it result in any regional daily construction -source or operational - <br />source emissions exceedances. The Project would support AQMP objectives to reduce trips, promote infill <br />development, and balance jobs and housing, and would not conflict with implementation of the AQMP. The <br />Project is therefore considered to be consistent with the AQMP. Therefore, the Proposed Project would be <br />consistent with the region's AQMP. There would be no new significant impact or a substantial increase in the <br />severity of previously identified effects. <br />b) Result in a cumulatively considerable net increase of any criteria pollutant for which the project <br />region is non -attainment under an applicable federal or state ambient air quality standard? <br />Less Than Significant Impact/No Changes or New Information Requiring Preparation of an EIR. <br />The Certified EIR disclosed that construction -related NO, and PM10 emissions would be significant and <br />Page 30 PlaceWorks <br />