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ONE BROADWAY PLAZA PROJECT EIR ADDENDUM <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />5. Environmental Analysis <br />Comments: <br />a) Result in the loss of availability of a known mineral resource that would be a value to the region <br />and the residents of the state? <br />No Impact. The Proposed Project's residential units would occurwithin the envelope of the Approved Project; <br />the Proposed Project would not result in an expansion of the building footprint or in new development beyond <br />what was analyzed in the Certified EIR. Therefore, the Proposed Project would not result in any new impacts <br />to mineral resources. No impact would occur and no changes or new information would require preparation <br />of a subsequent EIR. <br />b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally important mineral resource recovery site delineated on <br />a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? <br />No Impact. The Land Use Element states that there are no significant mineral aggregate resource areas <br />designations within the City (City of Santa Ana 1998). The Proposed Project's residential units would occur <br />within the envelope of the Approved Project; the Proposed Project would not result in an expansion of the <br />building footprint or in new development beyond what was analyzed in the Certified EIR. Therefore, the <br />Proposed Project would not result in any new impacts to mineral resources. No impact would occur and no <br />changes or new information would require preparation of a subsequent EIR. <br />5.12.3 Adopted Mitigation Measures Applicable to the Proposed Project <br />No mitigation measures related to mineral resources were identified in the Certified EIR. <br />5.13 NOISE <br />5.13.1 Summary of Previous Environmental Analysis <br />The Certified EIR determined that the construction of the Approved Project could generate noise levels that <br />exceed noise standards established by the City of Santa Ana noise thresholds. However, the implementation of <br />identified mitigation measures would reduce temporary construction noise impacts to a less than significant <br />level. Operation of the Approved Project, including use of the parking structure, operational noise due to <br />project traffic, and potential helipad noise, would result in a less than significant impact. The Certified EIR <br />determined that the Approved Project's contribution to future traffic noise is insignificant. The Certified EIR <br />found the Approved Project may experience future traffic noise levels in excess of the City's noise threshold <br />and identifies Mitigation Measure N-3 to ensure that the on -site commercial buildings would keep outside noise <br />from entering the interior of these buildings. <br />The Initial Study to the Certified EIR determined that because the Proposed Project is not located within an <br />airport land use plan nor within the vicinity of a public airport or private airstrip, no impact related to the <br />exposure of people residing or working in the project area to excessive airport related noise levels. <br />Apri12020 Page 69 <br />