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Exhibit A <br />Attachment C — Proposers Statement <br />CRY OF SANTAANA <br />ATTAC HIMENT C <br />PROPOSER'SSTATEMENT <br />Proposer understaac's and agrees lhatthis written RFP (or awry part thereof specifically desigeated and <br />accepted bythe CityofSanta Anon hereinafter City)shall constitrte the entire agreement belw nproposer <br />and the City only after rt has been accepted by the Cily Ceunc>4 endorsed by the Clerk of the Courcti with <br />her signature and official seal n sting hereonthe action ofapproval ofhe Council, signed bythe Executive <br />Di eotor or h& duly authorized agent and sppecd by the City Attanney, denoting his approval of the firm of <br />tr6 docwnent and its exeattion, and when it a an exact copy of it has been either dekoewed in proposer <br />or deposited with the United States Pascal Service property addressed to the proposer with the cawrecl. <br />pDgage affmLd dhereta. <br />Proposer further agrees that upon de" (as defined above) cf the accepted agreement helshe will <br />fumishCityal requiredbondsand oeaifimbeoriabiity sesurance within ben (10) days (e chiding Saurdays, <br />Sundays and Cityslegal holdays),orthefunds. check, draft orprapasers band substiuted'nieulhereof <br />aecompan}ng this proposal slraM became the property of tine City and shall be considered as paymentof <br />damages due to lhedelay and other cawies sldfered by Cityr because of the failureto fumish the necessary <br />bonds and because it is distinuftly agreed tea the proof of damages actually suffered by City is rid uffi to <br />ascertain; othenrwise said fulls, dreck drafts, or propose0s bond serhstituted in lien thereof shall be <br />retitmed to the undersigned. <br />Proposer undersUrds teat a proposal 6 requred far the entire work, teat dre estimated quantities set forth <br />in lheRFF 5dx4duleam sokiyforthe purpose orcompahieg pxopasals, and thatfinal rwmpe^salion under <br />the carmacl. wil be based uponthe actual quantities of work samiaaraoriy completed_ <br />All ierrns contained in the the certification of wrictscamiration: !Ya, ar*•d :ta <br />required insurance outifncafes are to be incorporated by reference into this agree,. a_7 <br />specifically @5 partofthb RFP. <br />ErmrErdity Emergency Planning Cansufants <br />. _ Fi,yy;, -.. Carol I Harsh man <br />Signed and Printed Name %.eJ yin <br />Tile President <br />17am February4, 2020 <br />#36221v2 25 <br />55A-40 <br />