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AGENCY CUSTOMER ID: CN118026105 <br />LOC#: Philadelphia <br />ADDITIONAL REMARKS SCHEDULE Page 3 of 3 <br />MARSH USA INC <br />PDUCYNUMDER <br />CARRIER I NAIL CODS <br />THIS ADDITIONAL REMARKS FORM IS A SCHEDULE TO ACORO FORM, <br />FORM NUMBER: 25 FORM TITLE: Certificate of Liability Insur <br />UAivasal PmleclionSeMceof Canada Comoratan., alto Allied UnhersSI SIMMYSMIcas of Canada <br />Universal ProtecknSeMce, LLC <br />Universal Pacte06onServlce, LLC, dba Alied Universal WkAdvlsoryald Consuming Services <br />Universal Protection Service, LLC, WAllled Universal SecudtyServloes <br />Universal Protection Service, LLC, dbaAllled Universel5ecudrySeMces, LLC <br />Unlvasal Prolecgan Service, LP <br />Universal Pmlecum Service, LP, ohs Allied Unti l RlskAdvlscryand Consulting Services <br />Universal Protecton Service, LP, doe Allied Universal Se unty Senkes <br />Universal Nall Sarvke, LP, On Allied Universal Secudry Services, LP <br />Universal Protection Service of Seattle, LLC <br />Universal PmtmUm Service of Seallo, LLC, dba Allied Universal SecudlyServices <br />Universal SmvIcesofAmadca, LP <br />UNvemal Thrive ToohnohgleR LLC <br />Univereal'll Technologies, LLC, dba Allied Universal Technology Services <br />Universal Thrive Technologies, LLC, ohs Allied Universal Monill and Response Center <br />Universal Timm Techrmlagles, I.L.C. tlbe Thrive Intelligence <br />U.S. Securltt,Assoclales, lac. <br />U.S. SectinlyAssDeates, Inc., dba Alfed Universal W&kAdOwryand Consulting SoNlos <br />U.S. SecudlyAssodalas Aviation SeMces, Inc. <br />U, S. 8acudty Associates Holding Cam, <br />U. S. SecudlyAssoclales Holdings ll Corp <br />U, S. Security Associates Holdings, Inc. <br />U, & Security Associates Staling, lna <br />U. S. Scantly Holdings, lea <br />Vance Executive Proecton, In. <br />Vance International Consulting, Inc. <br />NAMED INSURED <br />Allied Unlvem8ITcpcc, LLC <br />See Attached forAdditional Named Insureds) <br />61 Washington Street. Suite 600 <br />Conshohocken, PA 19428 <br />EFFECTIVE DATE: <br />1 1 Q 2008 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. <br />name and logo are registered marks of ACORD <br />