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Joseph Boyle design memorandum to establish the basis of design, preparation of <br />(Continued) construction plans, technical specifications and engineer's estimate. <br />Water Main Replacement, City of El Monte, CA: Team Leader for <br />provision of PS&E, surveying, environmental and permitting, community <br />outreach, and construction support services for the replacement of <br />approximately 6,900 LF of 4- and 6-inch water mains with larger mains <br />in two areas of the City's distribution system, due to their age, and to <br />improve fire flow and reliability. Psomas accomplished the scenario <br />modeling, prepared an economic analysis, compared flow and pressure <br />results, and prepared a technical memorandum documenting the <br />analyses and presenting recommendations. <br />On -Call Design Services for Capital Improvement Plan Sewer <br />Improvements for Various Locations, City of Hermosa Beach, CA: <br />Team Leader for preparation of construction plans and specifications for <br />approximately 2,700 LF of sewer lining, 9,200 LF of sewer replacement, <br />and 39 manholes to be rehabilitated. The project was organized into <br />four distinct areas. Psomas evaluated the existing conditions of these <br />selected sewer segments and confirmed the SMP's recommendations or <br />provided supplemental recommendations if appropriate. CCTV reports <br />and videos for each of the segments were evaluated and categorized. <br />Field evaluation was performed on approximately 90 sewer manholes. <br />Final design plans resulted in 1,850 LF of remove and replace segments <br />100 LF of point repairs at about 23 locations; 7,900 LF of lining; 700 LF <br />of deposit and root removal; and about 650 LF where no repair or <br />rehabilitation was required. <br />Coto de Caza Lift Station Emergency Storage Basin, Rancho Santa <br />Margarita, CA: QA/QC Manager for engineering services for the design <br />of an emergency storage basin (ESB) for Santa Margarita Water District's <br />Coto de Caza lift station. Key design features include design of the <br />cast -in -place concrete ESB; submersible pump selection; coordination <br />of an existing SDG&E power supply line relocation; construction of a <br />retaining wall and concrete drainage swale between the ESB and access <br />road; access improvements to allow a tanker truck access to the ESB; <br />and design of overflow pipeline, drain pipeline, and sluice gates. Scope <br />of services includes preliminary and final design, construction plans, <br />specifications, estimates of probable construction costs, and engineering <br />support during construction. <br />La Palma Complex Reservoir Rehabilitation and Pump Station <br />Replacement, City of Anaheim, CA: Project Manager for providing <br />construction phase engineering for replacement of a 60-year-old pump <br />station and reservoir facilities in central Anaheim. The project included <br />design of a new aluminum roof, and hopper bottom tank retrofit in the <br />footprint of an existing 4 MG reservoir which resulted in savings to the <br />City of approximately $2 million over conventional concrete or steel <br />alternatives. Scope of services included demolition of a 3 MG reservoir <br />and complete replacement of the existing pump station with a new <br />10,000 GPM pump station. <br />PSOMAS RFP gym, 19-100 ,1 1, - cry of Santa Ana <br />