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Michael Swan <br />(Continued) <br />locations; removal and replacement of approximately 860 feet of 8- and <br />10-inch-diameter pipe in four areas; and point repairs to 8-inch through <br />18-inch pipe at 14 different locations. The project also included obtaining <br />preliminary encroachment permits from the City of Los Alamitos and the <br />County of Orange, coordination for project advertising, evaluation of the <br />bids received, and recommendation of project award. <br />Pelican Hill Golf Club Sewer Pipeline Rehabilitation, Newport Beach, <br />CA: Project Engineer for evaluation of the existing conditions of 6,027 <br />LF of sewer pipe, and to provide professional design services for the four <br />sewer pipelines. Also provided construction phase services that included, <br />but were not limited to, active participation in construction meetings, <br />review and response to shop drawings and contractor Request for <br />Information, site visits, and record drawing preparation. <br />Yorba Linda Water District, 2010 Sewer Master Plan Update, Yorba <br />Linda, CA: Project Manager for the analysis of hydraulic model results <br />for existing and buildout conditions, and to develop the CIP to correct <br />existing system capacity deficiencies as well as provide service to future <br />development of the District through 2030. Prepared the Sewer Master <br />Plan report which documents the entire project work effort, including a <br />sewer GIS audit, extensive flow monitoring, and model development <br />and calibration for the entire sewer collection system of approximately <br />161 miles of pipe. Development and flow projections for future land use <br />conditions were created, including incorporation of some existing septic <br />system areas into the collection system. <br />Water Master Plan and Financial Plan Update, City of Huntington <br />Beach, CA: Project Manager for the City's 2012 Water Master Plan <br />and Financial Plan update. The water master plan portion included <br />update of the hydraulic model to include extended period simulation <br />analyses based on real-time SCADA information, update of projected <br />future demands and peaking data, analysis of supply reliability, and <br />development of a CIP including cost estimates. A financial plan was then <br />prepared including review of existing capacity charges, reserve fund <br />requirements, rates and recommended adjustments, as appropriate. <br />Prepared a 2016 Update of this Water Master Plan and coordinated with <br />City staff and their financial consultant in updating the Financial Plan, <br />including recommendations for increased water rates. <br />Central Area Sanitary Sewer Master Plan, City of Anaheim, CA: <br />Project Manager for this major revision to the central portion of the <br />City. A substantial number of sewer capital improvements have been <br />constructed since the previous master plan. Major work efforts include <br />major revisions/upgrades to the City's sewer GIS flow monitoring, <br />hydraulic modeling, model calibration, development of recommended <br />capital improvements, and a financial implementation plan. <br />PSOMAS RFPrkn 19-1oc - -_ C;PIofSimi A,u <br />