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A qualified incumbent of such position shall be paid a prorated amount based on <br />one hundred and seventy-five dollars ($175.00) per one hundred and seventy-three <br />point thirty-three (173.33) hours above his/her current base salary step for each full <br />month of such assignment. <br />C. Secondary Bilingual Assignments <br />Assigned positions where it has been determined by a Department Head that regular <br />and frequent bilingual usage is necessary to the performance of duties, but not a <br />major, essential or integral element of the work, shall be designated as Secondary <br />Bilingual Assignments. <br />A qualified incumbent of such position shall be paid a prorated amount based on <br />forty dollars ($40.00) per one hundred and seventy-three point thirty-three (173.33) <br />hours above his/her base salary step for each full month of such assignment. <br />D. Limits on Assignments <br />The number of bilingual assignments shall be no larger than the requirements of <br />the department, as determined by the Department Head and the City Manager, <br />5.4 Shift Differential <br />A. Night Shift Differential <br />An employee who is continuously and regularly assigned to a schedule of work <br />which requires that he/she actually work a minimum of four and one-half (4.5) <br />hours between the hours of 5:00 P.M, and 7:00 A.M., shall be paid a shift differential <br />for his/her entire work shift at a rate set ten (10) salary rate ranges, which is <br />approximately five percent (5.0%) higher than his/her then current base salary step. <br />B. Early Morning Street Crew Differential <br />A Street Maintenance employee who is assigned to traffic painting or downtown <br />cleanup crews who is continuously and regularly assigned to a work schedule which <br />requires that he/she actually work at least fifty percent (50%) of his/her normal <br />daily work shift between the hours of 1:00 A.M. and 7:00 A.M., shall be paid a shift <br />differential for his/her entire work shift at a rate set ten (10) salary rate ranges, <br />which is approximately five percent (5.0%) higher than his/her then current base <br />salary step. <br />2019-2022 MOU City of Santa Ana & SEIU Part -Time Civil Service Employees Unit Page 19 <br />