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D. Assignment to Standby Duty <br />Water Production staff shall be required to serve on standby duty. <br />The City's preference shall be to accomplish the above through volunteers; <br />however, qualified employees may be directed to be on standby duty if the number <br />of volunteers is insufficient. <br />Additional standby programs may be implemented with the approval of the <br />Department Head and City Manager. <br />5.6 Call Back Dutv <br />Any employee who is recalled to active duty from off duty, shall be entitled to overtime <br />pay at the rate of one and one-half (1.5) times the base hourly pay rate for time actually <br />worked after reporting to the place of duty, or three (3) hours pay at the base rate of pay, <br />whichever is greater. <br />5.7 Tem orar�perade Assieaunent Pa <br />v <br />In order to provide an equitable method of compensating employees who are temporarily <br />assigned to a vacant, full-time, budgeted, higher -level position the following shall apply: <br />A. General Guidelines <br />1. Temporary upgrade (TUG) assignments shall be limited to the temporary filling <br />of vacant, fiill-time, budgeted positions due to the termination, promotion or <br />authorized long-term absence of the incumbent. A temporarily vacant position <br />need not be a position without an incumbent. <br />2. Each such assignment maybe terminated at any time, but in no event shall such <br />assignment continue beyond one hundred and eighty (180) days or nine hundred <br />and sixty (960) hours each fiscal year, whichever comes first. <br />3. Prior to recommending to the City Manager that a pay differential for a TUG <br />assignment be granted, the Department Head shall make the following <br />determinations: <br />a. The duties and responsibilities of the position to be filled are of such nature <br />that they cannot remain unassigned pending the return to duty of the absent <br />incumbent or preparation of an eligible list whichever is applicable. <br />b. It is not practical to assign the duties of the vacant position to any other <br />employee(s) in the same or higher classification. <br />2019-2022 MOU City of Santa Ana & SEIU Part -Time Civil Service Employees Unit Page 21 <br />