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five percent (5.0%) higher than the current base salary rate he/she normally <br />receives (inclusive of lead pay and exclusive of any other assignment or special <br />pay additive), whichever is greater, except when placement at Step "E" will not <br />be sufficient to provide the ten (10) salary rate range increase. <br />If an employee has worked ten (10) consecutive days during the term of this <br />MOU in a higher classification, the employee shall thereafter receive TUG pay <br />for each day the employee is assigned to work in the higher classification during <br />the term of this MOU. <br />Assignment or special pay additives, such as bilingual pay, shift differential, <br />special skill pay, etc., paid to an employee prior to becoming eligible for TUG <br />assignment pay, will not be considered in computing the amount of higher pay <br />to which he/she is entitled in this section above, unless the special <br />circumstances upon which said additive is based are also applicable to the TUG <br />assignment and the employee otherwise meets the criteria established for such <br />pay differential. <br />3. TUG assignments which entail moving an employee into a classification <br />represented by a bargaining unit other than that which represents his/her <br />permanent classification shall not include any change in fringe benefits for the <br />affected employee. <br />4. While working in a TUG assignment, an employee will continue to accrue, and <br />have recorded, general, special or normal salary step increases in the <br />employee's permanent position; however, such salary increases will be paid <br />only to maintain the minimum five percent (5.0%) differential above the salary <br />to which an employee is entitled in his/her permanent position. <br />5.8 Authority for Assierunents <br />All assignments of personnel to positions set forth in Sections 5.1 through 5.5 above shall <br />be made or revoked at the discretion of the Department Head. <br />5.9 Career Development Incentives <br />Any full-time employee, in an SEIU represented bargaining unit, receiving career <br />development incentive pay (in accordance with Article V of the full-time employees unit <br />MOU) who moves into this bargaining unit during the term of this MOU will continue to <br />receive career development incentive pay if the employee continues performing the job <br />duties for which the career development incentive pay was originally given. <br />2019-2022 MOU City of Santa Ana & SEIU Part -Time Civil Service Employees Unit Page 23 <br />