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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />f. Pollution (i) Any insured; or <br />(1) "Bodily injury" or "property <br />(11) Any person or organization <br />damage" arising out of the actual, <br />for whom you may be <br />alleged or threatened discharge, <br />legally responsible; <br />dispersal, seepage, migration, <br />(d) <br />At from <br />release or escape of "pollutants": <br />or any premises, site <br />or location on which any <br />(a) At or from any premises, site <br />insured or any contractors or <br />or location which is or was at <br />subcontractors working directly <br />any time owned or occupied <br />or indirectly on any insured's <br />by, or rented or loaned to, any <br />behalf are performing operations <br />insured. However, this sub- <br />if the "pollutants" are brought <br />paragraph does not apply to: <br />on or to the premises, site or <br />(i) "Bodily injury" if sustained <br />location in connection with <br />within a building and <br />such operations by such <br />caused by smoke, fumes, <br />insured, contractor or sub - <br />vapor or soot produced by <br />contractor. However, this <br />subparagraph does not apply <br />or originating from equip- <br />to: <br />ment that is used to heat, <br />cool or dehumidify the <br />(1) "Bodily injury" or "property <br />building, or produced by or <br />damage" arising out of the <br />originating from equipment <br />escape of fuels, lubricants <br />that is used to heat water <br />or other operating fluids <br />for personal use by the <br />which are needed to perform <br />building's occupants or their <br />the normal electrical, <br />guests; <br />hydraulic or mechanical <br />(11) "Bodily injury" or "property <br />functions necessary for the <br />"mobile <br />damage" for which you <br />operation of equip - <br />may be held liable, if you <br />ment" or its parts, if such <br />fuels, lubricants or other <br />are a contractor and the <br />operating fluids escape <br />owner or lessee of such <br />from a vehicle part designed <br />premises, site or location <br />to hold, store or receive <br />has been added to your <br />them. This exception does <br />policy as an additional <br />not apply if the "bodily <br />insured with respect to <br />injury" or "property damage" <br />your ongoing operations <br />arises out of the intentional <br />performed for that <br />discharge, dispersal or <br />additional insured at that <br />release of the fuels, <br />premises, site or location <br />lubricants or other operating <br />and such premises, site or <br />fluids, or if such fuels, <br />location is not and never <br />lubricants or other operating <br />was owned or occupied by, <br />fluids are brought on or to <br />or rented or loaned to, any <br />the premises, site or <br />insured, other than that <br />location with the intent that <br />additional insured; or <br />they be discharged, dis- <br />(iii) "Bodily injury" or "property <br />persed or released as part <br />damage" arising out of <br />of the operations being <br />heat, smoke or fumes from <br />performed by such insured, <br />a "hostile fire"; <br />contractor or subcontractor; <br />W At or from any premises, site <br />(ii) "Bodily injury" or "property <br />or location which is or was at <br />damage" sustained within a <br />any time used by or for any <br />building and caused by the <br />insured or others for the <br />release of gases, fumes or <br />handling, storage, disposal, <br />vapors from materials <br />processing or treatmentRE�IEWED <br />into that building in <br />waste; <br />& APPROVE6rought <br />onnection with operations <br />By Risk MANAGEMENT Divisiooning <br />performed by you or <br />(t) If such "pollutants" are or <br />Your behalf by a <br />were at an time transported <br />Y P <br />handled, JUN 2020 <br />contractor or subcontractor; <br />stored, treated, g <br />or <br />disposed of, or processed as <br />L/�� <br />waste by or for: <br />ANGIE ACEVEd6 <br />CC T1 00 02 19 0 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved Page 3 of 23 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc, with its permission. <br />