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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />0111"Bodily injury" or "property <br />damage" arising out of <br />heat, smoke or fumes from <br />a "hostile fire"; or <br />(a) At or from any premises, site <br />or location on which any <br />insured or any contractors or <br />subcontractors working directly <br />or indirectly on any insured's <br />behalf are or were at any time <br />performing operations to test <br />for, monitor, clean up, remove, <br />contain, treat, detoxify or <br />neutralize, or in any way <br />respond to, or assess the <br />effects of, "pollutants". <br />(2) Any loss, cost or expense arising <br />out of any: <br />(a) Request, demand, order or <br />statutory or regulatory require- <br />ment that any insured or <br />others test for, monitor, clean <br />up, remove, contain, treat, <br />detoxify or neutralize, or in <br />any way respond to, or assess <br />the effects of, "pollutants"; or <br />(b) Claim or suit by or on behalf <br />of any governmental authority <br />or any other person or <br />organization because of testing <br />for, monitoring, cleaning up, <br />removing, containing, treating, <br />detoxifying or neutralizing, or <br />in any way responding to, or <br />assessing the effects of, <br />"pollutants". <br />g. Aircraft, Auto Or Watercraft <br />This exclusion does not apply to: <br />(1) A watercraft while ashore on <br />premises you own or rent; <br />(2) A watercraft you do not own that <br />is: <br />(a) 50 feet long or less; and <br />(b) Not being used to carry any <br />person or property for a <br />charge; <br />(3) Parking an "auto" on, or on the <br />ways next to, premises you own <br />or rent, provided the "auto" is not <br />owned by or rented or loaned to <br />you or the insured; <br />(4) Liability assumed under any <br />"insured contract" for the <br />ownership, maintenance or use of <br />aircraft or watercraft; <br />(5) "Bodily injury" or property <br />damage" arising out of: <br />(a) The operation of machinery or <br />equipment that is attached to, <br />or part of, a land vehicle that <br />would qualify as "mobile <br />equipment" under the definition <br />of "mobile equipment" if such <br />land vehicle were not subject <br />to a compulsory or financial <br />responsibility law, or other <br />motor vehicle insurance law, <br />where it is licensed or <br />principally garaged; or <br />(b) The operation of any of the <br />machinery or equipment listed <br />in Paragraph f.(2) or L(3) of the <br />"Bodily injury" or "property damage" <br />definition of "mobile <br />arising out of the ownership, <br />equipment"; or <br />maintenance, use or entrustment to <br />others of any aircraft, "auto" or <br />(6) An aircraft that is: <br />watercraft owned or operated by or <br />(a) Chartered with a pilot to any <br />rented or loaned to any insured. Use <br />insured; <br />includes operation and "loading or <br />unloading". <br />(b) Not owned by any insured; and <br />This exclusion applies even if the <br />(c) Not being used to carry any <br />claims against any insured allege <br />person or property for a <br />negligence or other wrongdoing in the <br />charge. <br />supervision, hiring, employment, <br />training <br />h. Mobile Equipment <br />or monitoring of others by <br />that insured, if the "occurrence" <br />"Bodily injury" or "property damage" <br />which caused the "bodily injury" or <br />arising out of: <br />"property damage" involved the <br />ownership, maintenance, use or <br />(1) The transportation of "mobile <br />entrustment to others of an �p(� pment" by an "auto" owned <br />"auto" or watercraft that is �$ rbFD & APPRO operated by or rented or <br />operated by or rented or I iiijRagE <br />ENT Diviiimaned to any insured; or <br />any insured. <br />JUN <br />20262) The use of "mobile equipment" in, <br />U <br />or while in practice for, or while <br />being prepared for, any pre- <br />ANgiE ACEvEdo <br />Page 4 of 23 O 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. CO T1 00 02 19 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />