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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />(1) <br />How, when and where <br />the <br />"occurrence" or offense took <br />place; <br />(2) <br />The names and addresses of <br />any <br />injured persons and witnesses; <br />and <br />(3) <br />The nature and location of <br />any <br />injury or damage arising out <br />of <br />the "occurrence" or offense. <br />6. If <br />a claim is made or "suit" <br />is <br />brought against any insured, <br />you <br />must: <br />(1) Immediately record the specifics <br />of the claim or "suit" and the <br />date received; and <br />(2) Notify us as soon as practicable. <br />You must see to it that we receive <br />written notice of the claim or "suit" <br />as soon as practicable. <br />C You and any other involved insured <br />must: <br />(1) Immediately send us copies of <br />any demands, notices, summonses <br />or legal papers received in <br />connection with the claim or <br />"suit"; <br />(2) Authorize us to obtain records and <br />other information; <br />(3) Cooperate with us in the <br />investigation or settlement of the <br />claim or defense against the <br />"suit"; and <br />(4) Assist us, upon our request, in the <br />enforcement of any right against <br />any person or organization which <br />may be liable to the insured <br />because of injury or damage to <br />which this insurance may also <br />apply. <br />d. No insured will, except at that <br />partnership or joint venture), any <br />of your managers who is an <br />individual (if you are a limited <br />liability company), any of your <br />"executive officers" or directors <br />(if you are an organization other <br />than a partnership, joint venture, <br />or limited liability company), any <br />of your trustees who is an <br />individual (if you are a trust) or <br />any "employee" authorized by you <br />to give notice of an "occurrence" <br />or offense. <br />(2) If you are a partnership, joint <br />venture, limited liability company <br />or trust, and none of your <br />partners, joint venture members, <br />managers or trustees are <br />individuals, notice to us of such <br />"occurrence" or offense must be <br />given as soon as practicable only <br />after the "occurrence" or offense <br />is known by: <br />(a) Any individual who is: <br />(1) A partner or member of any <br />partnership or joint venture; <br />(11) A manager of any limited <br />liability company; <br />(iii) An executive officer or <br />director of any other <br />organization; or <br />(Iv) A trustee of any trust; <br />that is your partner, joint <br />venture member, manager or <br />trustee; or <br />(b) Any employee authorized by <br />such partnership, joint venture, <br />limited liability company, trust <br />or other organization to give <br />notice of an "occurrence" or <br />offense. <br />insured's own cost, voluntarily make <br />(3) Notice to us of such "occurrence" <br />a payment, assume any obligation, or <br />or offense will be deemed to be <br />incur any expense, other than for first <br />given as soon as practicable if it <br />aid, without our consent. <br />is given in good faith as soon as <br />e. The following provisions apply to <br />practicable to your workers' <br />Paragraph a above, but only for <br />compensation insurer. This applies <br />purposes of the insurance provided <br />only if you subsequently give <br />notice to us of the "occurrence" <br />under this Coverage Part to you or <br />or offense as soon as practicable <br />any insured listed in Paragraph 1, or <br />after an of the y persons described <br />2. of Section II - Who Is An Insured; <br />in Paragraph e.(1) or (2) above <br />(1) Notice to us of such "occurrenc(RfVIEWED&AV hat the "occurrence" or <br />or offense must be given as so* Risk MANAGEM� �f Vlsl ay result in sums to <br />?Re insurance <br />as practicable only after the <br />Wf>I provided <br />"occurrence" or offense is known <br />under this Coverage Part may <br />JUN <br />to you (if you are an individual), <br />0 I wv <br />any of your partners or members <br />who is an individual (if you are <br />ANgiE ACEVEdO <br />CG T1 00 02 19 O 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved Page 15 of 23 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office. Inc. with its permission. <br />