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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />However, if this policy includes an <br />endorsement that provides limited <br />coverage for "bodily injury" or <br />"property damage" or pollution costs <br />arising out of a discharge, release or <br />escape of "pollutants" which contains <br />a requirement that the discharge, <br />release or escape of "pollutants" <br />must be reported to us within a <br />specific number of days after its <br />abrupt commencement, this Paragraph <br />e. does not affect that requirement. <br />3. Legal Action Against Os <br />No person or organization has a right <br />under this Coverage Part: <br />a To join us as a party or otherwise <br />bring us into a "suit" asking for <br />damages from an insured; or <br />Is. To sue us on this Coverage Part <br />unless all of its terms have been <br />fully complied with. <br />A person or organization may sue us to <br />recover on an agreed settlement or on a <br />final judgment against an insured; but we <br />will not be liable for damages that are <br />not payable under the terms of this <br />Coverage Part or that are in excess of <br />the applicable limit of insurance. An <br />agreed settlement means a settlement <br />and release of liability signed by us, the <br />insured, and the claimant or the <br />claimant's legal representative. <br />4. Other Insurance <br />If valid and collectible other insurance is <br />available to the insured for a loss we <br />cover under Coverages A or B of this <br />Coverage Part, our obligations are <br />limited as described in Paragraphs a and <br />Ill. below. <br />As used anywhere in this Coverage Part, <br />other insurance means insurance, or the <br />funding of losses, that is provided by, <br />through or on behalf of: <br />10 Another insurance company; <br />1110Any risk retention group; or <br />liv) Any self-insurance method or program, <br />in which case the insured will be <br />deemed to be the provider of other <br />insurance. <br />Other insurance does not include <br />umbrella insurance, or excess insurance, <br />that was bought specifically to apply in <br />excess of the Limits of Insurance shown <br />in the Declarations of this Coverage Part. <br />As used anywhere in this Coverage Part, <br />other insurer means a provider of other <br />insurance. As used in Paragraph c. below, <br />insurer means a provider of insurance. <br />a Primary Insurance <br />This insurance is primary except when <br />Paragraph b. below applies. If this <br />insurance is primary, our obligations <br />are not affected unless any of the <br />other insurance is also primary. Then, <br />we will share with all that other <br />insurance by the method described in <br />Paragraph c. below, except when <br />Paragraph It. below applies. <br />b. Excess Insurance <br />(1) This insurance is excess over: <br />(a) Any of the other insurance, <br />whether primary, excess, <br />contingent or on any other basis: <br />(i) That is Fire, Extended <br />Coverage, Builder's Risk, <br />Installation Risk or similar <br />coverage for "your work"; <br />00 That is insurance for <br />"premises damage"; <br />(iii) If the loss arises out of <br />the maintenance or use of <br />aircraft, "autos" or watercraft <br />to the extent not subject to <br />any exclusion in this <br />Coverage Part that applies <br />to aircraft, "autos" or <br />watercraft; <br />00 Us or any <br />of our affiliated insurance <br />(iv)That is insurance <br />available <br />c <br />companies, <br />cumulation <br />except when the Non <br />of Each Occurrence Limit <br />to a premises <br />owner, <br />provision of <br />Paragraph 5. of Section <br />m <br />manager lessor <br />qualifies as an <br />a <br />that <br />insured <br />III - Limits <br />cumulation <br />Of Insurance or the Non <br />of Personal REVIEWED & APP *D Paragraph <br />4. <br />Advertising <br />and <br />Injury Limit provision of <br />in II Who <br />MANAGEMENTred <br />n <br />is An <br />By <br />RISK except <br />when <br />Paragraph 4. <br />of Section III -Limits Of <br />III. below <br />applies; <br />Insurance <br />applies because the <br />JUN ZOZparagraph <br />lb <br />Amendment <br />- Non Cumulation Of <br />Each Occurrence Limit Of Liability <br />insurance <br />available <br />And Non Cumulation Of Personal And <br />rtn an equipment lessor that <br />Advertising <br />Injury Limit endorsement <br />ANCgIE QCEVECq�alifies as an <br />4under <br />insured <br />is included <br />in this policy; <br />Paragraph 5. of <br />Section <br />Page 16 of 23 ® 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. CG T1 00 02 19 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />