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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />5. "Broadcasting" means transmitting any <br />9. "Executive officer" means a person <br />audio or visual material for any purpose: <br />holding any of the officer positions <br />a By radio or television; or <br />created by your charter, constitution, <br />bylaws or any other similar governing <br />Ill. In, by or with any other electronic <br />document. <br />means of communication, such as the <br />10. "Good Samaritan services" means any <br />Internet, if that material is part of: <br />emergency medical services for which no <br />(1) Radio or television programming <br />compensation is demanded or received. <br />being transmitted; <br />11. "Hostile fire" means a fire which <br />(2) Other entertainment, educational, <br />becomes uncontrollable or breaks out <br />instructional, music or news <br />from where it was intended to be. <br />programming being transmitted; or <br />12. "Impaired property" means tangible <br />(3) Advertising transmitted with any <br />property, other than "your product" or <br />of such programming. <br />your work", that cannot be used or is <br />less useful because: <br />6. "Coverage territory" means: <br />a It incorporates "your product" or <br />a The United States of America <br />your work" that is known or thought <br />(including its territories and <br />to be defective, deficient, inadequate <br />possessions), Puerto Rico and Canada; <br />or dangerous; or <br />IL International waters or airspace, but <br />b. You have failed to fulfill the terms <br />only if the injury or damage occurs <br />of a contract or agreement; <br />in the course travel or <br />transportation between any places <br />en <br />if such property can be restored to use <br />P P Y <br />included in Paragraph a above; or <br />by the repair, replacement, adjustment or <br />removal of "your product" or "your <br />C. All other parts of the world if the <br />work" or your fulfilling the terms of the <br />injury or damage arises out of: <br />contract or agreement. <br />(1) Goods or products made or sold <br />13. "Insured contract" means: <br />by you in the territory described <br />A <br />in Paragraph a above; <br />a contract for a lease of remises. <br />P <br />However, that portion of the contract <br />(2) The activities of a person whose <br />for a lease of premises that <br />home is in the territory described <br />indemnifies any person or <br />in Paragraph a above, but is away <br />organization for "premises damage" <br />for a short time on your business; <br />is not an "insured contract"; <br />or <br />b. A sidetrack agreement; <br />(3) "Personal and advertising injury" <br />offenses that take place through <br />C. Any easement or license agreement, <br />the Internet or similar electronic <br />except in connection with <br />means of communication; <br />construction or demolition operations <br />on or within 50 feet of a railroad; <br />provided the insured's responsibility to <br />pay damages is determined in a "suit" <br />d An obligation, as required by <br />on the merits in the territory described <br />ordinance, to indemnify a <br />in Paragraph a above, or in a settlement <br />municipality, except in connection <br />we agree to. <br />with work for a municipality; <br />7. "Electronic data" means information, <br />a. An elevator maintenance agreement; <br />facts or programs stored as or on, <br />F. That part of any other contract or <br />created or used on, or transmitted to or <br />agreement pertaining to your business <br />from computer software (including <br />(including an indemnification of a <br />systems and applications software), hard <br />municipality in connection with work <br />or floppy disks. CD-ROMs, tapes, drives, <br />performed for a municipality) under <br />cells, data processing devices or any <br />which you assume the tort liability of <br />other media which are used with <br />another party to pay for "bodily <br />electronically controlled equipment. REVIEWED&Ap <br />"property damage" or <br />UAD <br />injury" to a third person or <br />8. "Employee" includes a "leased wRiNRiskMnNp <br />"Employee" does not include a <br />EntE <br />G nTr�viitgtjon. Tort liability means a <br />"temporary worker". At <br />liability that would be imposed by <br />'MUN {)1 Z� in the absence of any contract or <br />t 6�Feement. <br />ANGk ACEVECIO <br />CIS T1 00 02 19 O 2017 The Travelers Indemnity <br />Company. All rights reserved Page 19 of 23 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />