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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />The unintentional omission of, or <br />unintentional error in, any information <br />provided by you which we relied upon in <br />issuing this policy will not prejudice <br />your rights under this insurance. <br />However, this provision does not affect <br />our right to collect additional premium <br />or to exercise our rights of cancellation <br />or nonrenewal in accordance with <br />applicable insurance laws or regulations. <br />7. Separation Of Insureds <br />Except with respect to the Limits of <br />Insurance, and any rights or duties <br />specifically assigned in this Coverage <br />Part to the first Named Insured, this <br />insurance applies: <br />a As if each Named Insured were the <br />only Named Insured; and <br />Ill. Separately to each insured against <br />whom claim is made or "suit" is <br />brought. <br />8 Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against <br />Others To Us <br />If the insured has rights to recover all <br />or part of any payment we have made <br />under this Coverage Part, those rights <br />are transferred to us. The insured must <br />do nothing after loss to impair them. At <br />our request, the Insured will bring "suit" <br />or transfer those rights to us and help <br />us enforce them. <br />S. When We Do Not Renew <br />If we decide not to renew this Coverage <br />Part, we will mail or deliver to the first <br />Named Insured shown in the Declarations <br />written notice of the nonrenewal not <br />less than 30 days before the expiration <br />date. <br />If notice is mailed, proof of mailing will <br />be sufficient proof of notice. <br />SECTION V — DEFINITIONS <br />1. "Advertisement" means a notice that is <br />broadcast or published to the general <br />public or specific market segments about <br />your goods, products or services for the <br />purpose of attracting customers or <br />supporters. For the purposes of this <br />definition: <br />2. "Advertising injury": <br />a. Means Injury caused by one or more <br />of the following offenses: <br />(1) Oral or written publication, <br />including publication by electronic <br />means, of material In your <br />'"advertisement" that slanders or <br />libels a person or organization or <br />disparages a person's or organ- <br />ization's goods, products or <br />services, provided that the claim <br />is made or the "suit" is brought <br />by a person or organization that <br />claims to have been slandered or <br />libeled, or that claims to have had <br />its goods, products or services <br />disparaged; <br />(2) Oral or written publication, <br />including publication by electronic <br />means, of material in your <br />"advertisement" that: <br />(a) Appropriates a person's name, <br />voice, photograph or likeness; <br />or <br />(b) Unreasonably places a person <br />in a false light; or <br />(3) Infringement of copyright, "title" <br />or "slogan" in your <br />"advertisement", provided that the <br />claim is made or the "suit" is <br />brought by a person or <br />organization that claims ownership <br />of such copyright, "title" or <br />"slogan". <br />It. Includes "bodily injury" caused by <br />one or more of the offenses described <br />in Paragraph a above. <br />3. "Auto" means: <br />IL A land motor vehicle, trailer or <br />semitrailer designed for travel on <br />public roads, including any attached <br />machinery or equipment; or <br />Ill. Any other land vehicle that is subject <br />to a compulsory or financial <br />responsibility law, or other motor <br />vehicle insurance law, where it is <br />licensed or principally garaged. <br />However, "auto" does not include <br />a Notices that are published include mobile equipment". <br />material placed on the Internet or on 4. "Bodily <br />ry" means: <br />similar electronic means of PpC1 <br />communication; and REVIEWED & 1 k harm, including sickness or <br />b. Regarding websites, only that �Rl.l._(y1ANAGEMEN&e, sustained by a person; or <br />a website that is about your good�st,ftntal anguish, injury or illness, or <br />products or services for the purpose40ionaI distress, resulting at any <br />of attracting customers or supporters m such physical harm, <br />is considered an advertisement. ass c disease. <br />Page 18 of 23 0 2017 The Travelers Indemnity Company. All rights reserved. CG T1 00 02 19 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />