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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />However, "mobile equipment" does not <br />(b) Unreasonably places a person <br />include any land vehicle that is subject <br />in a false light. <br />to a compulsory or financial <br />responsibility law, or other motor vehicle <br />b. Includes "bodily injury" caused by <br />insurance law, where it is licensed or <br />one or more of the offenses <br />principally garaged. Such land vehicles <br />described in Paragraph a. above. <br />are considered "autos". <br />20."Pollutants" mean any solid, liquid, <br />17. "Occurrence" means: <br />gaseous or thermal irritant or <br />contaminant, including smoke, vapor, <br />e An accident, including continuous or <br />soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, chemicals and <br />repeated exposure to substantially the <br />waste. Waste includes materials to be <br />same general harmful conditions; or <br />recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed. <br />b. An act or omission committed in <br />21. "Premises damage" means: <br />providing or failing to provide first <br />aid or "Good Samaritan services" to <br />a With respect to the first paragraph of <br />a person, unless you are in the <br />the exceptions in Exclusion 1. of <br />business or occupation of providing <br />Section I - Coverage A - Bodily <br />professional health care services. <br />Injury And Property Damage Liability, <br />18. "Personal and advertising injury" means <br />"property damage" to any premises <br />while rented to you for a of <br />"personal injury" or "advertising injury". <br />period <br />seven or fewer consecutive days, <br />19. "Personal injury": <br />including the contents of such <br />premises; or <br />a. Means injury, other than "advertising <br />injury", caused by one or more of <br />6. With respect to the exception to <br />the following offenses: <br />Exclusions c, through n. in the last <br />paragraph of Paragraph 2. of Section <br />(1) False arrest, detention or <br />I - Coverage A - Bodily Injury And <br />imprisonment; <br />Property Damage Liability, "property <br />(2) Malicious prosecution; <br />damage" to any premises while <br />rented to you for a period of more <br />(3) The wrongful eviction from, <br />than seven consecutive days, or while <br />wrongful entry into, or invasion of <br />temporarily occupied by you with <br />the right of private occupancy of <br />permission of the owner, caused by: <br />a room, dwelling or premises that <br />(1) Fire; <br />a person occupies, provided that <br />the wrongful eviction, wrongful <br />(2) Explosion; <br />entry or invasion of the right of <br />(3) Lightning; <br />private occupancy is committed <br />by or on behalf of the owner, <br />landlord or lessor of that <br />(4) Smoke resulting from fire, <br />room, <br />dwelling or premises; <br />explosion or lightning; or <br />(4) Oral or written publication, <br />(5) Water. <br />including publication by electronic <br />But "premises damage" under this <br />means, of material that slanders <br />Paragraph b. does not include <br />or libels a person or organization <br />"property damage" to any premises <br />or disparages a person's or <br />caused by: <br />organization's goods, products or <br />(1) Rupture, <br />services, provided that the claim <br />bursting, or operation of <br />is made or the "suit" is brought <br />pressure relief devices; <br />by a person or organization that <br />(2) Rupture or bursting due to <br />claims to have been slandered or <br />libeled, or that claims to have had <br />expansion or swelling of the <br />its goods, products or services <br />contents of any building or <br />structure caused by or resulting <br />disparaged; or <br />from water; or <br />(5) Oral or written publication, <br />(3) Explosion of steam boilers, steam <br />including publication by electronic <br />pi pas, steam engines or steam <br />means, of material that: <br />RE"'WEDA,tP-�PRp <br />iftnes. <br />(a) Appropriates a person'o <br />�el1lAN <br />mpglif6gompleted operations hazard": <br />voice, photograph or II e <br />or Aa. Includes all "bodily injury" and <br />JUN Q�120�roperty damage" occurring away <br />vim-( <br />om premises you own or rent and <br />ANq{IE ACEVECIO <br />CG T7 00 02 19 9 2017 The Travelers indemnity <br />Company. All rights reserved Page 21 of 23 <br />Includes copyrighted materiat of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />