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COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY <br />arising out of "your product' or <br />"your work" except: <br />(1) Products that are still in your <br />physical possession; or <br />(2) Work that has not yet been <br />completed or abandoned. However, <br />"your work" will be deemed <br />completed at the earliest of the <br />following times: <br />(a) When all of the work called <br />for in your contract has been <br />completed. <br />(b) When all of the work to be <br />done at the job site has been <br />completed if your contract <br />calls for work at more than <br />one job site. <br />(C) When that part of the work <br />done at a job site has been <br />put to its intended use by any <br />person or organization other <br />than another contractor or <br />subcontractor working on the <br />same project. <br />Work that may need service, <br />maintenance, correction, repair or <br />replacement, but which is otherwise <br />complete, will be treated as <br />completed. <br />b. Does not include "bodily injury" or <br />"property damage" arising out of: <br />(1) The transportation of property, <br />unless the injury or damage arises <br />out of a condition in or on a <br />vehicle not owned or operated by <br />you, and that condition was <br />created by the "loading or <br />unloading" of that vehicle by any <br />insured; <br />time of the "occurrence" that caused <br />it. <br />For the purposes of this insurance, <br />"electronic data" is not tangible property. <br />24. "Slogan": <br />a Means a phrase that others use for <br />the purpose of attracting attention in <br />their advertising. <br />b. Does not include a phrase used as, or <br />in, the name of: <br />(1) Any person or organization, other <br />than you; or <br />(2) Any business, or any of the <br />premises, goods, products, services <br />or work, of any person or <br />organization, other than you. <br />25. "Suit' means a civil proceeding in which <br />damages because of "bodily injury", <br />"property damage" or "personal and <br />advertising injury" to which this <br />insurance applies are alleged. "Suit' <br />includes: <br />a An arbitration proceeding in which <br />such damages are claimed and to <br />which the insured must submit or <br />does submit with our consent; or <br />b. Any other alternative dispute <br />resolution proceeding in which such <br />damages are claimed and to which <br />the insured submits with our consent. <br />26. "Temporary worker" means a person <br />who is furnished to you to substitute for <br />a permanent "employee" on leave or to <br />meet seasonal or short-term workload <br />conditions. <br />27. "Title" means a name of a literary or <br />artistic work. <br />(2) The existence of tools, uninstalled <br />28. "Unsolicited communication" means any <br />equipment or abandoned or unused <br />communication, In any form, that the <br />materials; or <br />recipient of such communication did not <br />(3) Products or operations for which <br />specifically request to receive. <br />the classification, listed in the <br />29. "Volunteer worker" means a person who <br />Declarations or in a policy <br />is not your "employee", and who <br />Schedule, states that products- <br />donates his or her work and acts at the <br />completed operations are subject <br />direction of and within the scope of <br />to the General Aggregate Limit. <br />duties determined by you, and is not <br />23. "Property damage" means: <br />paid a fee, salary or other compensation <br />by you or anyone else for their work <br />a Physical injury to tangible property, <br />performed for you. <br />including all resulting loss of use of <br />30. "Your product': <br />that property. All such loss of use will <br />be deemed to occur at the time of *V1EWE1i&WQ940VE1) <br />physical injury that caused it; or By Risk MANAgfMEN DiV9 ods <br />or products, other than <br />Ill. Loss of use of tangible property that <br />r�Jj property, manufactured, sold, <br />is not physically injured. All such loss <br />ll 1 2i� led, distributed or disposed of <br />of use will be deemed to occur at the <br />by: <br />ANGIE ACEVEdo <br />Page 22 of 23 ® 2017 The Travelers Indemnity <br />Company. All rights reserved. CO T1 00 02 19 <br />Includes copyrighted material of Insurance <br />Services Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />