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DocuSign Envelope ID: 26A1 FOD6-5970-4421 -B5CB-2891848ECB74 <br />including, but not limited to, the costs of administering the Contract. The County will provide <br />reasonable notice of such an audit or inspection. <br />The County reserves the right to audit and verify the Subrecipient's records before final payment <br />is made. <br />Subrecipient agrees to maintain such records for possible audit for a minimum of three years <br />after final payment, unless a longer period of records retention is stipulated under this Contract <br />or by law. Subrecipient agrees to allow interviews of any employees or others who might <br />reasonably have information related to such records. Further, Subrecipient agrees to include a <br />similar right to the County to audit records and interview staff of any subcontractor related to <br />performance of this Contract. <br />Should the Subrecipient cease to exist as a legal entity, the Subrecipient's records pertaining to <br />this Contract shall be forwarded to the County's Project Manager. <br />BB. Contingency of Funds: Subrecipient acknowledges that funding or portions of funding for this <br />Contract may be contingent upon State budget approval; receipt of funds from, and/or obligation <br />of funds by, the State of California to County; and inclusion of sufficient funding for the services <br />hereunder in the budget approved by County's Board of Supervisors for each fiscal year covered <br />by this Contract. If such approval, funding or appropriations are not forthcoming, or are <br />otherwise limited, County may immediately terminate or modify this Contract without penalty. <br />CC. Expenditure Limit: The Subrecipient shall notify the County of Orange assigned Contract <br />Administrator in writing when the expenditures against the Contract reach 75 percent of the <br />dollar limit on the Contract. The County will not be responsible for any expenditure overruns <br />and will not pay for work exceeding the dollar limit on the Contract unless a written and <br />approved change order to cover those costs has been issued. Board of Supervisor approval may <br />be required. <br />THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK <br />County of Orange Page 16 of 42 City of Santa Ana. <br />Orange County Community Resources Contract No.: 19-28-00 70-R WS <br />