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DocuSign Envelope ID: 26A1 FOD6-5970-4421 -B5CB-2891848ECB74 <br />part, is funded through County, State and Federal government funds [funds <br />identified as applicable]; <br />3. The information does not give the appearance that the County, its officers, <br />employees, or agencies endorse: <br />a. any commercial product or service; and, <br />b. any product or service provided by Subrecipient, unless approved in <br />writing by Administrator/assigned Deputy Purchasing Agent; and, <br />4. If Subrecipient uses social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or <br />other publicly available social media sites) to publish information related to <br />this Contract, Subrecipient shall develop social media policies and procedures <br />and have them available to the Administrator/assigned Deputy Purchasing <br />Agent. Subrecipient shall comply with County Social Media Use Policy and <br />Procedures as they pertain to any social media developed in support of the <br />services described within this Contract. The policy is available on the Internet <br />at http://www.ocgov.coni/gov/ceo/cio/govpolicies, <br />THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE WAS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK <br />County of Orange Page 25 of 42 City of Santa Ana. <br />Orange County Community Resources Contract No.: 19-28-0070-RWS <br />