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rR0)L4QT <br />Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act (WIOA) <br />Santa Ana Workforce Development Board: Youth Service Provider <br />3) Offering onsite workforce development workshops and certificate programs for <br />participants to increase their employability and work readiness skills. <br />4) Offering onsite tutoring that leads to measurable skill gains and education retention. <br />5) Providing incentives and supportive service funds to ensure youth success. <br />6) Providing leadership opportunities byincluding participants in conferences, policy <br />campaigns, and peer mentoring relationships with newenrollees. <br />Each of the above interactions will help exited participants remain engagement in <br />services and connected to Project Kinship staff, volunteers, and new participants. <br />D. Describe if your organization will provide youth with incentives or supportive services <br />during follow-up to assist with youth retention. <br />The proposed program will utilize both incentives and supportive services during the <br />follow-up period to help participant continue to obtain and retain their levels of achievement. <br />Participants will be eligible to earn any of the eight incentives listed in Section 13. All incentives <br />will be tied to training and education, work readiness skills, and/or occupational skills <br />attainment goal as identified in their ISP and/or ICP. They will be issued in $50 VISA gift cards. <br />All incentives and supporting documentation will be included in the participant's casefile. <br />Participants will also be eligible to receive supportive service funding during their <br />follow-up period. These would include: bus passes, gas cards, and participant specific needs <br />such as uniforms, tools, textbooks, driver's education classes, clothing, etc. On average, <br />participants will receive $160 in supportive services during the follow-up period, as compared <br />to an average of $350 per youth during program enrollment. <br />E. How often will the youth be engaged or receive service during the follow-up period. <br />Participants tend to require more frequent contact when they are in the follow-up <br />period. For this reason, the Case Manager and/or Job Developer will increase the frequency of <br />engagement with participants from twice a month during program enrollment to once a week <br />during the follow-up period. This frequency of interaction helps participants feel connected and <br />valued, all of which supports their personal success and confidence in serving as a mentor to <br />others that are just beginning their individual journeys. <br />25B-156 <br />