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Orozco, Norma <br />From: Houston, Nicole <br />Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2020 5:05 PM <br />To: eComment_Forwarding <br />Subject: FW: Input on Proposed Charter Amendments Item 65C <br />Attachments: CCM 7 7 20 65C Charter-Amendment-Excerpts.pdf <br />From: monica Suter[] <br />Sent: Tuesday, July 07, 2020 4:49 PM <br />To: Pulido, Miguel <> <br />Subject: Fwd: Input on Proposed Charter Amendments Item 65C <br />Dear Mayor Miguel Pulido-- <br />We see pros/cons with changing the 4 to 5 votes for appropriations. However, overall, it is probably more <br />transparent to change it to 4 because then Council would not be able to approve a contract while not having the <br />votes to officially acknowledge the fiscal impact as occured previously. So, this would help disallow that to <br />reoccur, so please support changing it to 4 for appropriations as well which also avoids the power of one <br />Councilmember holding up a vote where there is otherwise consensus. <br />Overall, we are supportive of the proposed charter amendments in 65C with the exception of the following. As <br />promised, we have been reviewing this --starting sometime back (among all the other several on -going urgent <br />items) and have some comments/input/questions that we respectfully request be considered/clarified: <br />Minor Typos (see attached highlighted excerpts) --Easy Items: <br />1. Staff Report Page 65C-11 (City Manager) --fix Manager sp. <br />2. Staff Report Page 65C-15 (City Council) --fix Council sp. bottom <br />3. Staff Report Page 65C-27 (State or County) --fix or typo toward bottom. <br />Staff Report Page 65C-19 <br />1. Revised Line "8" "Positions Occupied" --is this intended for Consultants who work occasionally <br />on a project/task basis vs. an employee who holds a position? It seems a bit confusing as to what <br />the intent is. Please clarify. <br />2. Revised Line "9" "Positions... temporary..." Our concern would be that the City has tended to <br />have "temporary positions" for much time, 90 days, 6 months, in lieu of filling budgeted <br />positions. So, we can see pros and cons of deleting the last part of this item.... Also, to build <br />upon the fine work of your tenure as Mayor, the City has lost much institutional knowledge over <br />time. This expertise needs to be passed on to new employees to not lose important brain -drain <br />and expertise where that background is critical to serve Santa Ana's community/stakeholders. <br />3. Revised Line "10" "Part-time positions or employments", we wanted to understand better what <br />the reason is or goal has been for the deletion of the last part of this line? Depending on reply, <br />we may/may not prefer/support this change. <br />