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4. (c) If someone earned Civil Service for a prior position and was promoted from within to a non - <br />civil service position (usually a good thing), why would they ever lose their civil service <br />earned? What is the purpose of that and we can see pros/cons of that change but would like to <br />better understand it. It also could discourage a long-term and dedicated civil servant well -versed <br />with the Community from promoting to become (hopefully) a really good manager vs. bringing <br />in outside managers who would not necessarily have a solid sense of community needs. <br />Staff Report Page 65C-28: Not sure really why most of these need to be excluded. What is the purpose <br />of this exclusion? See comment 65C-19 2. above. <br />Also, while we recognize that the call -in system had to be created under emergency circumstances, we concur <br />that the community should also be able to call in and that in the health and safety interest of all that Face <br />Masks and telecommuting options (where feasible) be a CITY WIDE POLICY ENFORCED IN ALL <br />DEPTS to make reasonable accommodations for staff that can successfully do so (prioritizing health and <br />safety) and alternate shifts for others who cannot otherwise minimize in -person contact. Ironically, several <br />departments, planning/public works/IT all ENCOURAGED telecommuting most recently vs. CDA doing the <br />exact opposite. This forced those requesting reasonable accommodations to RETURN to work suddenly <br />and while COVID-19 cases are on the rise at City Work Sites. It is hard to understand any actual justification <br />for that as cases have only increased within City Hall, SAPD and the Jail when we know how much you care <br />about the health and safety of Santa Ana and its workers! <br />Also see prior letter we sent 6/16/20: <br />Budget: We respectfully request that in closed session & in general that you help to clarify that HR's proposed <br />deletion of positions and title changes NOT BE DONE without clarifying (for example, that Assistant Planner I <br />will be considered equivalent as Assistant Planner, etc., with no change to seniority, etc.) and that Council help <br />to encourage that language be developed with HR/SEIU to clarify this and to protect existing labor/incumbents <br />in the event that ever bumping and seniority were to come into play. <br />We still respectfully request that all improperly terminated Parks & Rec part-timers being re-employed and <br />without changes like suddenly and unnecessarily requiring new bilingual requirements that keep recent long- <br />term employees from being able to requalify for their same positions. <br />Please help encourage the use of COVID-19 funds from CARESAct to help redeploy SEIU part-timers who <br />were terminated in May as well and also we estimate that all and all it is roughly already a $3.5M hit to SEIU <br />already overall based on the proposed budget which forced SEIU contributions by separating these part-timers <br />and many SEIU employees are actually not in the general fund (where the fiscal gap is). <br />Thank you for your assistance and consideration of the above and for all the great work you have done to put <br />Santa Ana on the map, on freeway signs, at the Airport, etc.!! <br />Appreciated -- <br />Monica <br />Monica M. Suter <br />SEIU Local 721 Santa Ana Chapter President <br />