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City of Santa Ana <br />RFP: Year -Round Homeless Shelter and Navigation Center <br />GENERAL INFORMATION <br />1) Contact: To facilitate the RFP process, Respondent is required to monitor and respond <br />to e-mail requests within 48 hours. No oral interpretations will be made by the City to any <br />Respondent as to the meaning of requirements identified herein including the Scope of <br />Work. Every request for such an interpretation must be made in writing via e-mail to the <br />Community Development Agency Executive Director at smendoza(a)santa-ana.orq <br />2) City Reserve's the Right to: <br />a) No obligation to pay costs incurred in preparation of a response to this RFP <br />b) All data, documents and other products used, developed or produced during <br />response preparation to the RFP will become property of the City. <br />c) Reject, replace or approve any and all Respondents. <br />3) Coordination: Coordination by the awarded Provider with the City, as well as other <br />Contractor and agencies will be required to achieve satisfactory and timely delivery of the <br />required work. Coordination may include, but not be limited to, coordination with impacted <br />businesses, neighborhood and civic groups, local and/or state agency boards and staff, <br />or attendance at Community Redevelopment and Housing Commission meetings or City <br />Council meetings. <br />a) The City will decide the manner in which the coordination efforts will be conducted. <br />At the City's option, coordination efforts may be performed by the City Homeless <br />Services Manager. When coordination efforts require agreements, such <br />agreements shall be coordinated with the City. <br />4) Business License: The selected Respondent shall be required to obtain a City of Santa <br />Ana business license within 30 days of selection and must provide a copy to the City <br />project manager or designee prior to commencing any work in Santa Ana. <br />5) Authorized Signer: The signer of the proposal must declare in writing that the only <br />person, persons, company or parties interested in the proposal as principals are named <br />therein; that the proposal is made without collusion with any other person, persons, <br />company or parties submitting a proposal; that it is in all respects fair and in good faith <br />without collusion or fraud; and, that the signer of the proposal has full authority to bind the <br />Consultant. <br />25 <br />