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LIQUIDATED DAMAGES <br />When an elevator is out of service for a period in excess of forty-eight (48) hours, due to <br />Contractor's neglect or failure to comply with the provisions of this specifications, and <br />should the Contractor fail to respond with a qualified service man under the time frame <br />indicated herein, it is mutually agreed that the City may withhold as liquidated damages <br />for each twenty-four (24) hour period thereof, the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Dollars <br />($250.00) from the succeeding month's billing for each failure to timely respond to a <br />request for services. Further, it is mutually agreed that this sum is set our as liquidated <br />damages because of the impossibility of determining the amount of actual damages the <br />City would suffer as a result of the Contractor's failure to comply with this provision. <br />WIRING DIAGRAMS, INSTRUCTION MANUALS, ETC. <br />The Contractor agrees to furnish a complete set of electrical wiring diagrams for all of <br />the equipment covered by this contract, together with all supplemental information, such <br />as instruction manuals, lubrication charts, etc., that pertain to the equipment covered in <br />this agreement. <br />Should the Contractor not have this information available, the City agrees to furnish this <br />information to the Contractor, to the extent available, at the Contractor's expense. <br />However, requiring that the Contractor provide this information shall be considered part <br />of his previous experience with this specific type of equipment. <br />CONTRACTOR QUALIFICATIONS <br />Bids shall be considered only from Contractors who, in the judgement of the City, are <br />regularly established in business, are financially responsible, and are able to show <br />evidence of satisfactory past performance and competence. <br />Each Contractor must furnish evidence, satisfactory to the City, specifically stating <br />members of the firm, and the firm itself, have satisfactory maintained elevators of the <br />exact type included in the specifications for a period of at least five (5) years. To be <br />entitled to consideration, the Contractor shall furnish a statement to the effect that he has <br />available under his direct employment and supervision the necessary organization and <br />facilities, located within the City, to properly fulfill all the services and conditions required <br />under these specifications; and that personnel trained in the maintenance of this type of <br />equipment will be employed under this Agreement. References should include equipment <br />description, location, point of contact, and telephone number. <br />At least two (2) mechanics shall have previous experience (OEM Standard) with the <br />computer logic equipment. Specify name(s) of primary route mechanic(s) for this project, <br />along with brief resume. The Contractor must have been successfully engaged in his <br />business of such work and licensed as performed for a period of not less than five (5) <br />consecutive years personal experience in supervising maintenance crews. <br />