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ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS <br />The Contractor shall be an independent Contractor capable of providing experienced, <br />knowledgeable and professional staff. The Contractor shall adhere to established <br />schedules. <br />The Contractor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws, rules, regulations, <br />ordinances, and statutes. <br />The Contractor shall furnish a qualified elevator mechanic on the job site for performance <br />of examinations and preventative maintenance. Said elevator mechanic shall provide <br />preventative maintenance at the job site as follows: <br />Hydraulic elevators — 45 minutes to 1 hours <br />Traction elevators —1 to 2 hours <br />Wheelchair lifts — 30 minutes <br />Contractor's mechanic shall check into the manager's or maintenance office when he <br />arrives and when he leaves the building. Copies of mechanic's time ticket verifying time <br />spent on each visit, shall be left with building manager or maintenance supervisor. <br />---End of SCOPE OF WORK Section.--- <br />