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This insurance is excess over any other valid and collectible insurance available to the insured <br />whether primary, excess, or contingent. <br />Q) WAIVER OF SUBROGATION <br />The following is added to Paragraph S. Transfer Of Rights of Recovery Against Others to Us of <br />Section IV — Conditions: <br />If the insured waives any right of recovery against any person or organization for all or part of any <br />payment, including supplementary payments, we make under this Policy, we also waive that right, <br />provided the Insured waives such right of recovery against such person or organization in a written <br />contract or written permit executed before the "occurrence", 'bodily injury", "property damage", <br />offense, or "personal and advertising injury" that took place. <br />R) WAIVER OF IMMUNITY <br />We will waive, both in the adjustment of claims and in defense of "suits' against the insured, any <br />charitable or governmental immunity of the insured, unless the insured requests, in writing, that we <br />not do so. <br />Waiver of immunity, as a defense, will not subject us to liability for any portion of a claim or <br />judgment, in excess, of the applicable limit of insurance. <br />S) VIOLATION OF RIGHTS OF RESIDENTS (PATIENT'S RIGHTS) <br />1) The following is added to SECTION I — COVERAGES, COVERAGE A — BODILY INJURY <br />AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, paragraph 1. Insuring Agreement: <br />'Bodily Injury" damages arising out of the violation of "Rights of Residents", shall be deemed <br />an "occurrence". <br />2) As respects the coverage provided in paragraph 1) above of this endorsement, the following <br />exclusions are added to SECTION 1 — COVERAGES, COVERAGE A — BODILY INJURY <br />AND PROPERTY DAMAGE — 2. Exclusions: <br />This insurance does not apply to: <br />a) Liability arising out of the willful or intentional violation of 'Rights of Residents". <br />b) Fines or penalties assessed by a court or regulatory authority, including punitive <br />damages. <br />c) Liability arising out of any act or omission in the furnishing, or failure to furnish, <br />professional services in the medical treatment of residents. <br />3) As respects the coverage provided in paragraph S) 1) above of this endorsement, the <br />following definition is added to SECTION V — DEFINITIONS: <br />24. "Rights of Residents" means: <br />a. Any right granted to a resident under any state law regulating your business as <br />a health care facility. <br />b. The "Rights of Residents" as included in the United States Department of <br />Health and Welfare regulations governing participation of Intermediate Care <br />00 GL0295 00 11 17 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Page 9 of 10 <br />Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />INSURED COPY <br />