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Facilities and Skilled Nursing Facilities, regardless of whether your facility is <br />subject to those regulations. <br />T) LIQUOR LIABILITY EXCLUSION — EXCEPTION FOR SPECIAL EVENTS OR FUNDRAISING <br />EVENTS <br />SECTION I — COVERAGES, COVERAGE A — BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE, <br />paragraph 2. Exclusions, Exclusion c. Liquor Liability is amended by adding the following <br />subparagraph: <br />This exclusion does not apply to "bodily injury' or 'property damage' arising out of the selling, <br />serving or furnishing of alcoholic beverages at any special events or fundraising events related to <br />the insured's business, provided the insured has obtained a license if such license is required to <br />sell, serve or furnish alcoholic beverages. <br />U) EMPLOYEE CRIMINAL DEFENSE COVERAGE <br />1) If a 'suit" is brought against the insured seeking damages because of 'bodily injury% <br />'property damage', or "personal and advertising injury' to which this insurance applies, we <br />will reimburse the insured for reasonable and necessary legal expenses it incurs in the <br />defense of an "employee' in a criminal proceeding related to such "suit'. The alleged criminal <br />act must arise out of the 'employee's" work performed on the insured's behalf. <br />We will not reimburse any insured for legal expenses, as described in paragraph 1) above, <br />incurred by the insured unless the defense of the criminal proceeding is "Fully Successful'. <br />2) The most we will reimburse the insured for such legal expenses described in paragraph 1) <br />above is $25,000 regardless of the number of *employees', criminal proceedings, "suits' <br />brought or persons or organizations bringing 'suits'. This limit is in addition to the limits of <br />insurance listed on the Declarations page. <br />3) For the purposes of this coverage extension, 'Fully Successful' means acquittal, the return <br />of a not guilty verdict, the formal withdrawal of charges or a written determination by a <br />regulatory or administrative body that the criminal allegations have no merit. <br />All other terms and conditions of this Policy remain unchanged. <br />Endorsement Number: <br />Policy Number: AAPKG0046502 <br />Named Insured: COMMUNITY LEGAL AID SOCAL <br />This endorsement is effective on the inception date of this Policy unless otherwise stated herein: <br />Endorsement Effective Date: 0 7 — 0 1 — 2 0 2 0 <br />00 GL0295 0011 17 Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Page 10 of 10 <br />Office, Inc. with its permission. <br />INSURED COPY <br />