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THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. <br />NOTICE OF CANCELLATION -CERTIFICATE HOLDERS <br />(SPECIFIED DAYS) <br />The person(s) or organization(s) listed or described in the Schedule below have requested that they <br />receive written notice of cancellation when this policy is cancelled by us. We will mail or deliver to the <br />Person(s) or Organization(s) listed or described in the Schedule a copy of the written notice of <br />cancellation that we sent to you. If possible, such copies of the notice will be mailed at least 30 days, <br />except for cancellation for non-payment of premium which will be mailed 10 days, prior to the effective <br />date of the cancellation, to the address or addresses of certificate holders as provided by your broker or <br />agent. <br />Schedule <br />Person(s) or Organization(s) including mailing address: <br />CITY OF SANTA ANA, ITS OFFICERS, AGENTS, AND EMPLOYEES AND <br />VOLUNTEERS <br />20 CIVIC CENTER PLAZA, <br />SANTA ANA, CA 92701 <br />All certificate holders where written notice of the cancellation of this policy is required by written <br />contract, permit or agreement with the Named Insured and whose names and addresses will be <br />provided by the broker or agent listed in the Declarations Page of this policy for the purposes <br />of complying with such request. <br />This notification of cancellation of the"policy Is intended as a courtesy only. Our failure to provide such <br />notification to the person(s) or organization(s) shown in the Schedule will not extend any policy <br />cancellation date nor impactor negate any cancellation of the policy. This endorsement does not entitle <br />the person(s) or organization(s) listed or described in the Schedule above to any benefit, rights or <br />protection under this policy. <br />Any provision of this endorsement that is in conflict with a statute or rule is hereby amended to conform <br />to that statute or rule. <br />All other terms and conditions of this policy remain unchanged. <br />Endorsement Number: <br />Policy Number: AAPKGO046502 <br />Named Insured: COMMUNITY LEGAL AID SOCAL <br />This endorsement is effective on the Inception date of this Policy unless otherwise stated herein: <br />Endorsement Effective Date: 07-01-20 <br />00 ML0087 0011 10 <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />NSUREO COPY <br />