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Award Contract to Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. for Flower Street Bikeway Project <br />August 18, 2020 <br />Page 2 <br />City Council approval to reallocate $92,084 in unspent Measure M2 Local Fairshare funds is <br />requested to complete the funding needed for the estimated construction delivery cost and the <br />City's matching requirement. Upon approval of the requested reallocation, the total funds available <br />for construction will be $865,587, which is comprised of $694,903 in grant funding and $170,684 <br />of Measure M2 Local Fairshare funds. <br />Public Outreach and Contractor Participation <br />To provide an opportunity for local vendors to submit bids, a Notice Inviting Bids was advertised in <br />the Orange County Register newspaper on May 6, 2020 and May 13, 2020. The project was also <br />advertised in PlanetBids from April 29, 2020 through May 27, 2020. Bids were received <br />electronically via PlanetBids, on May 27, 2020. <br />A total of 280 vendors, including vendors in the City of Santa Ana, were notified of the project via <br />PlanetBids. Forty-nine vendors requested bidding documents and five bids were received. Bids <br />were not received from any Santa Ana contractors. <br />Bid Results Summary <br />RANK <br />BIDDER'S NAME <br />LOCATION <br />BASE BID <br />1 <br />Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. <br />Chino <br />$711,682 <br />2 <br />Asplundh Construction, LLC <br />Anaheim <br />$770,500 <br />3 <br />California Professional Engineering <br />La Puente <br />$781,754 <br />4 <br />Select Electric, Inc. <br />Vista <br />$786,393 <br />5 <br />International Line Builders, Inc. <br />Corona <br />$851,797 <br />All bids were responsive, with Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. submitting the lowest responsive bid in <br />the amount of $711,682 (Exhibit 2). Based on the bid analysis and a contractor's reference check, <br />staff recommends awarding the construction contract to Elecnor Belco Electric, Inc. in the amount <br />of $711,682 (Exhibit 3). <br />Project Delivery <br />To deliver a complete project, in addition to the construction contract, the estimated total project <br />delivery cost includes construction administration, inspection, and testing, along with an allowance <br />for contingencies to account for unexpected or unforeseen conditions. Construction administration <br />and inspection includes construction management; implementation of the City's Community <br />Workforce Agreement requirements; inspection of the Contractor's work to ensure contract <br />compliance, workmanship, and quality; and materials testing. As indicated in the Cost Analysis <br />(Exhibit 4) and as summarized in the table below, the estimated total construction delivery cost of <br />the project is $865,587. <br />Project Item <br />FY 16-17 <br />CIP Funds <br />Added <br />City Funds <br />Total <br />Construction Contract <br />$694,903 <br />$16,779 <br />$711,682 <br />Construction Administration, Inspection, Testing <br />$0 <br />$100,700 <br />$100,700 <br />Contingencies <br />$0 <br />$53,205 <br />$53,205 <br />TOTAL CONSTRUCTION DELIVERY COST <br />$694,903 <br />$170,684 <br />$865,587 <br />23A-2 <br />