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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />REQUIRED CONTRACT PROVISIONS <br />rEDERAL-AID CONSTRUCTION CONTRACTS <br />L Gonaral <br />A Nondiscrimination <br />III. Nonsegregated Fadlties <br />IV. Devls•9acon and Raland Act Pmvlsbns <br />V. ContractWork Hours and Safety Standards Act <br />Pmvlslom <br />VI. Subletting or Assigring the Contact <br />VII. Safety Accident Prevention <br />MIL False Statements Concerning Flghmy Pmyacts <br />IX. Implamentatm of Clean Air Ad and Federal Water <br />Pollution Control Ad <br />X. Co mpfanca wits GoverrmorMde Suspension and <br />Deba nn ant Raquraments, <br />XI, Ceadfiation Ragaidng Uwof Contend Findston <br />Lobbying <br />ATTACHMEWTS <br />A. Em ptoym ent and Materials Preference fDr Appaiachfan <br />O evdopm e rt Wighmy System or Appalachlan Local Arrows <br />Road Contends iindi ded in Appalachian contracts only) <br />1. GENERAL <br />1. Fam FHWA-1273 must ba physicaiy incorporated in each <br />construction contractfunded undarTitle 23 {encWdrg <br />amefgoill contracts solely intended fordel is ranoval). The <br />cmntradon {orsuboontenctwy must m.saft this form in each <br />subcontract and further requite its inclusion In all loxer tier <br />subcontracts{excluding purchase orders, rentalagrarmonts <br />and other agreements for supplies or services). <br />The appiksbo mg moments of Fomn FHWA-1273 are <br />bcorporzted ty refamnce for workdone under any pumhase <br />ontler,rantai ogre errant onagreement for other ser+Aces. The <br />prime cmtenctor shall be raspmsitie for conplmce by ary <br />subcunnaclor, lomr-tier subcontractor orservlce provider. <br />Form FHWA-1273 must to indudad in all Fed arnl•aid dosign- <br />64Id contracts, in all subcontencts and In lower tier <br />subconnacts(excdud Inlg subcontracts for d&sign services, <br />purchase orders, nntal agroan ants and otter ag roam ants for <br />suppli as or services). The daslgnWidar s hall be responsible <br />for compiance by any subcanhada, berm -tier subcwtractur <br />orservice pTuMer. <br />Contracting agendas may refamnea Form FHWA-1273 in bid <br />proposal or mq uest for proposal documents, hoverer, the <br />Form FHWA•1273 must be physimly+ incorporated (nd <br />referenced) in all centacls, sbcar(acts and laver -tier <br />s nbmntracts (excluding purchase orders, rental agreements <br />and other agre amants for supplies or sarWcas related to a <br />construction contract). <br />2. Suljectto the applicrblity olteda noted in the falowinrg <br />sections, these contract providms shell apply b all wo4k <br />performed on the contend by the ourtraacws own orgadzatbn <br />and with the assistance of workers under the corbactofs <br />Immediate superintendence and tool wok performed on the <br />contract by pincewo* station work or by subcontract <br />FhWA-1273-- Revised May 1, 2012 <br />3. 1 breach of any d the stpulatiws cariaiied inthese <br />Required Cmtmct Provisions may be sufficient gmmnds for <br />witlthotding of progress payments, with1hDAing of final <br />payment, termination of the contend, suspension I debarmont <br />many other action delarmined 1D be appropriateby the <br />contracting agency and FFBNA. <br />4. Selection of labor. During the pedommance d this contract <br />the confractonsholl not use o ict labor for any pufilose <br />xdhii the limits of a corstr ucton project on a Fed aial•aid <br />Ng hmy unless It Is labor pe dorm ed by convicts who are on <br />parde, supanised release, or prohabafl. The term Fedorai•aid <br />highway does not Include roadways funclmaly dess"tied as <br />local mods or rural m Iron col lactors. <br />The provisions of this section related to 23 CFR Part 230 are <br />applicable to all Fodare-aid conatruclon contracts and tool <br />related constrction subcontracts of &10,OD0 on more. The <br />provisions of 23 CFR Par! 230 are rot appkabie to material <br />supply, engineering, orarchitectural service contracts. <br />it add lion le contractor and all subcontractors must comply <br />with the folbxing poll Exec ulve Order 11246. 41 CFR 60. <br />29 CFR 1M.1627. Title 23 USC Section 140. the <br />Rehabilitation Act of 1973. as amended 943 USC 794). Title VI <br />dthe Civil Rights Act of 1964. as amended, and related <br />regulations ndud ng 49 CFR Pars 21, 26 and 27; and 23 CFR <br />Parts 200, 230. and 633. <br />The contenctonand all subcontractors must comply with! the <br />requ it emants of the Equal Opportunity Clausen 41 C F R 60- <br />1.4(bb) and. for all construction contends emoodng $10.0 )0. <br />the Standard Federal Equal Employment ©ppoilurity <br />ConsirucCion Contact Spm icalons in 41 CFR 60.4.3. <br />Note: The V.S. Department of Labor has emkiNve authority to <br />deffirmine complance with Execotiv Order 11246 and the <br />polices d the Secretary of Labor Including 41 CFR60. and 29 <br />CFR 1625-1627. The contracting agency and the FHWA have <br />t he authondy and the responsibility iD an sure comlfiance with <br />Tile 23 USC Section 140, the Rehabilitation Actof 1973. as <br />amended (29 USC 794). and The VI of tha Chit Rig fts Ad of <br />1%4, as amended and related rag Matins including 49 CFR <br />Parts 21, 26 and 27: and 23 CFR Parts 200, 230, and 633 <br />The fdbwimg povisiom is adoplad from 23 CFR 230, Apppend'a <br />A, with appropriate revisions to conform to the U.S. <br />Department of Labe (US OOL) and FHWA requirements. <br />1. Equal Employment Opportunity: Equal employment <br />oppmtm dy (E EO) req ukaments not to d lamimi ate and to to <br />aifamat#re action 1D assure eq ual opportunity as set forth <br />under laws, executive orders, rules, regulalors 428 CFR 35, <br />29 CFR 1630, 29 CFR 1625.1627. 41 CFR 60 and 49 CFR 27) <br />and orders of the Secretary of Latxw as mud If led by the <br />previsions prescribed hemn, and inposad pursuant to 23 <br />U S.C. 140 shall constitute the EEO and specific affirmative <br />scion standards for the contractor's project actil under <br />r <br />