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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />this contract. The provision of the Americans with UixaWities <br />Ad of 1990 (42 U.&C. 12101 at seq.) set forth under 2B CFR <br />35 and 29 CFR 1630 are incorporated by reference in this <br />c bead. In the execution of this contract, the onntmctor <br />agrees to comply with the following minimum spedlic <br />requier cot adivif as cf EEO: <br />a. The cnntfaclor w dl work with the codracting agency and <br />the Federal Gove rnm ant to ensure that it has made every <br />good faith of[of I to provide aq us oppmnu n ity withrespect to all <br />of its forms and conditions of ernaloyment and n their review <br />of activities under tba contract. <br />b. The contractor will accept as its operating policy the <br />following slaterne ft: <br />9t is th a policy of thus Co m pa ry to assure that a pplicants <br />are a nip toyed, and that em p bye as are treated curing <br />am ploy me nl, without regard lo their race, rofgon, sex, color, <br />nallona l orign, age or tlsabilhy. Such action shall include: <br />employment, upgrading, demcion,orlmnsfer, recruitmentor <br />reaulmenlativertisi rig: layoff or lerminalpn: rates c(pay or <br />other fames of compensation: a nd setedio n for training, <br />including apprenticeship, proQpprenticeshgr, andlor on 4ha• <br />job (caving.' <br />2. EEO Micar. The m ntractorwlg dasignote o nd make <br />known to the conlmcling offcas an EEO Officer who will have <br />the fesponsi blhy far a nd must be cape file of offectively <br />administering and promoting an active EEO program and who <br />mxrst be assigned adequate authority a rid respond billy to do <br />$a. <br />3. assaminathon of Pollicy: Al mombLm of the emntmdofs <br />staff w.ho are autho r¢ed fo hire, supervise, promote. and <br />d scha rga employe as, or who recammendsuch actimn, or who <br />are substantially involved in suchactim wrl be made fully <br />cogn¢ant of, and will implement, thecontradoes EEO policy <br />and contactual responsibilities to provide EEO in each grade <br />a nd classification of employment. To ensure that the shove <br />agreement will be met, the following actions will betaken as a <br />minimum <br />a. Periodic meetingsd supervisory andperaaonel oifce <br />employees will be conductedlt tim the start of work and then <br />rot less ehe n tha n o nce every sax months, at wh ich ti me the <br />comtadors, EEO pa lcyand its inplementailon will be <br />revimoc and explained. The meetngs will be conducted try <br />the EEO Officer. <br />b. Aft new supervisory or personnel offrca employees will be <br />given a thorough indoeirirrntimn by the EEO Officer, covering <br />Al majoraspects d thecontrador's EEO ob'ottonswfthin <br />IN rtydays following their reporting for ddy with the contractor. <br />c. N11 personnel who are engaged in direct mcrutnent for <br />the projectwill be insiruted by the EEO Officer in the <br />conirac b is procedures for locating and burg mirrcnities and <br />women. <br />d. 14atices and posters selling forth the contractor's EEO <br />policy will be placed in areas readily accessible to employees, <br />applicants foremplaymant and polentlol employees. <br />B. The contractor's EEO polo and the procaYums to <br />im p Ie me nl s uch policy wl I be :smug It to the attention d <br />employees by means of meetings, enpioyee handbooks, or <br />dherapproprtate means. <br />4. Roar Y t When ad vortsi rig m forepkryms, the <br />contractor will include in all advert isemerls for employees the <br />rotation: 'An Equarepponunity Employer' Al such <br />advedisaments will be placed in pu blcatn ns having a large <br />cicdaiom among minorities and women in the area from <br />wtkbtba project week force would namaliy be derived. <br />a. The contactor will, unless precluded by a valid <br />bargaining agreement, conduct systematic and died <br />recruitment through public and private employee referral <br />suuices Ilsey to ylcld •q ualned mircriies snit xomen. To <br />meet this raquirement the contractor will idertldy sources of <br />potential minority group employees, and establish with such <br />identified sources prncaduaes whereby rrinordy and women <br />applicants may be referred to the contractarforemployrrent <br />conidexation <br />b. to the event thecontrador has a void bargaining <br />ag rea m e nt pmvdi rig fo r excl usive h iring ha I I referrals, the <br />contractor s expected to observe the prwimns of that <br />agr e e nee nt to th a extent that th e syste m m eels th a cortfactoes <br />compliance with EEO contract provisions 'N mere <br />implementation of such an agreement has the effect of <br />discriminating against minorities orwomen, oroblgales the <br />co ntrado r to do th a sa m e, s Lich f mplementation violates <br />Fed amI no nd grim inatio n provisions. <br />c. The contractor will a ncourage its present empiopeesID <br />refer m inoriges and we me, n as applicants for employment. <br />Intormation and procedures with regard to mfadng such <br />applicants will be discussed with employees. <br />5. Fmr o nel Actims: Wages, working conditions, and <br />employee he n efts shall be esta Wish ad and administered, and <br />personnel actlom of ovary type, inokud ing hiring, upgad ng, <br />promotion, tm nsf or, damoioR laycff, a nd fermi nalio R shall be <br />taken without regard to roc e, color, rot gion, sex, nalia no <br />origin, age o r disability. The following proced unes sha ll be <br />followed: <br />a. The contactor wiM condud pariock inspections of project <br />aces lo insure that working mrdiborrs and ampp loyse facliges <br />CID not inAcate olscriminatM treatment of project ate <br />personnel. <br />b. The contractor will parecicafir evaluate the spread of <br />wages paid Mh in each class ifcation to dote ml in ary <br />evidence oldiscnrrinatory wage practices. <br />c. The contmcor will periodically review selected personnel <br />actions in depth to determine whetherthere is evidence of <br />discrimination. 'Where evidence is found, the contractorwll <br />pompty lake corrective action. if the review indicates Thal the <br />discrimination may extend beyond the actions mviaw'ad, such <br />corrective actin shale include all affected persons. <br />d. The conthacfmr cull prornply invaelgate al complaints of <br />alleged dtscrinnation made lo the contractor in connection <br />with its obligations and a r th is contract, wl I stem pt to resolve <br />such comps nts, and will take appro of Late wrrmfive acion <br />within a reasonable time. f the irrestgation ird icates that the <br />discriminaton may affect persons other than the compLa rant, <br />such corredhta action shat mdutle such other parso ns. Upon <br />completion of each invastgatio n, the contractor wit mama <br />every cofWa i nett of a of their avenues of appeal. <br />6.7ralning aid Promotion: <br />a. The contractor will asaslin locating, quaffying, and <br />�ncreosirg the sklis d n noriies and women who am <br />r <br />