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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />Vl. SUBLETTING OR ASSIGNING THE CONTRACT <br />This provision Is applicable to al Federal Qid construction <br />contracts, on the National Highway System. <br />1 The contractor shall perform with its own organization <br />contract work amounting th not loss than 30 paroent (or a <br />greater perwrtage rf specified aIso•xharo in the contract) of <br />the total original contract p ra. o xcl ul ing a ny sp ec tally items <br />designated ly the contracting a•gorcy. Spodalty demsmay be <br />performed by subcontract and tho amount of any such <br />specialty items peronmed maybe deducted from the total <br />original contract p rice before comp utrg the amount of work <br />required In be performed by the contractors own organization <br />(23 CIF R 635.116 ). <br />a. The lerrfh'�9f[Grmh iwadr wtth its ovm 0rguuiliaidDnT redera <br />to workers employed or leased by the prime contractor, and <br />equipment owned or rented by the prime contractor, with or <br />wlNwut operators. Such term does rwtinclude employees or <br />equipment of a subcontractor or lower tier suboonhactor, <br />agents of the prime cortwtor, or any other The <br />term may induca paymards for the costs of hiring lewd <br />empfuyaesfromanempgyoo leasing Firm meeting all relevant <br />Federal and Slate raguadry roquirenents. Leased <br />employees may ally be irdud ad n this term if to prime <br />contractor meets all of the following conditions: <br />(1) the p rime contactor manta Ins control over the <br />supervis bin of the day -today activities of the leased <br />employees: <br />(2) the prime contractor remains responsible for the qua Iity, <br />of the work of the leased employees: <br />(3) the prime contractor mia ins ail power lo accept or <br />excide individ ual employees from work on the projact; and <br />(4) the prime contractor remains ultimately responsible for <br />the paym ant of pred atannined minimum wages, the <br />submission of pa yrols, statements of comp liance and all <br />other Fade ral rag ulabry requ nomants. <br />b. `Spada by Ito cos° shall be co struec th be limited to work <br />that requires hghly spat islized knowledge, abilities. or <br />egnipm ant not ord na rity available in the type of contacting <br />organ izatians qual Fed and expected th bid or propose on the <br />contract as a whole and in general are to be IImtied to minor <br />components of the overall contract. <br />2. The contract amount upon which the requirements set forth <br />in pa Mg raph (1) of Section VI is computed Includes to cost of <br />material and manufactured products which are to be <br />pu rchased or p mcuced by the contractor u ncerthe contract <br />provisions. <br />3. The contractor still fvnish (a) a competent superintendent <br />or sup ervisor wlm is employed by to firm, has furl authority to <br />direct performance of the work in accordance Min the co tact <br />raq u irem ants, and is in olo rge of all construction operations <br />,rage rd I ass of who p a4xms the work) and (b) such other of its <br />av n orga n izatiam I rosou ices (supervision, management, and <br />angn aa6ng so Mcos) as the oorntrecting officer cetemr ines is <br />necassary to assum tha performance of the contract. <br />4. No patkrn of tha contact shall be sublet, assigned or <br />olha rw are dspased of except with the written consent of the <br />contracting officer, orautrorized representatiwe, and such <br />consent when given shall not be constru ad to relieve to <br />contractor of any responshblity for the futrflm ant of to <br />contact Written consent will be given only after the <br />contracting agency has assured tat each subcontract Is <br />evidorced in wilting and Nat d oonta ins all pertinent provisions <br />and requi remerds of the prune contract. <br />5. The 30% s l"rformance requirement of paragraph (1) Is <br />not applicable toce*fl.tludc cootwis; however, contracting <br />agencies may estedish the rown se-perbrmance <br />requirements. <br />VL SAFETY; ACCIDENT PREVENTION <br />This provision is applicable toall Faderalaid <br />construction contracts and th all related subcontracts. <br />1. 1 n the performance of this contract the contractor shall <br />comply with a; applicable Federal. State, and local taws <br />govoming sa foly, hoa trh, and sanitation (23 CFR 635). The <br />contractor sha I p rov id a ad safagua rds, safety devices and <br />p rotectrve equip in eon a nd take any oth a naeded actions as it <br />cethemnes, or as tho cootractkrg officer may deiarmine, to be <br />reasonably necassa ry to protect the life and tea IN of <br />employees on tha job and the safety of the public and to <br />protect property in connection with the perbrmance of the <br />work covered by to contract <br />2. 8 ta a condition A this oontrect, and what bemadea <br />condition of each subcontract, which the cortracthe enders into <br />pursuant to Nis contract, that the contractor and any <br />subcontractor stet not permit any employee, in performanco <br />of the contract, to work in su nmundngs or under conditions <br />which are unsanitary, hazardous ordargerous tohislher <br />heakhor safety, as determined underconsimctionsafely and <br />health stance rds(29 C FR 1926) p rumulgated by the Secretary <br />of Labor, in accordance with Section 107 of the Contract Work <br />Hours and Safety Standards Act (40 U.S.C. 3704). <br />3. Pursue rt to 29 CFR 1926.3, it is a conditon of this cortract <br />that tho Socretaryof Labororauthodzed representative <br />tha roof, shall have right of entry to any site of contact <br />performance to inspector investigate thematterd compfmnce <br />with tho corstr uction safety and heath standards and to carry <br />out tho duties of the Secretary under Section 107 of tie <br />Contact Work Hours and Safety Standards Act(40 <br />U.S.C.3704). <br />VII. FALSE STATEMENTS CONCERNING HIGHWAY <br />PROJECTS <br />T h i s p r o v I s i o n i s applicable to all Federal aid <br />canstnctbn contacts and th all relalad subcontracts. <br />In orderto assure high q uafdy and durable constructnn in <br />conformity with approved plans and specifications and ahigh <br />degree of reliability on statements and rap res antaliore made <br />by engineers, contactors, suppliers, and workers on Federal• <br />ad highway projects, it is essential that al persons concerned <br />with the project perform their fumbens as carefully, thomug hty, <br />and honesty as possible. WulfuI falsification, distortion, o r <br />misrepresentation with respect ID arty facts related to the <br />p mjset is a violation of Federal taw. To preve rd any <br />misunderstanding regarrYrg the serous ress of thasea rid <br />sM le acts, Form FHWA.1022 she 11 be posted on each <br />Fecerapad highway pmjact (23 CFR 635) none or more <br />places where d is readily avertable to all persons coot or red <br />with the project: <br />18 U.S.C. 1020 reads as folowvs: <br />r <br />