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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />d. Appranticos and Trances orograms of MUS. UOT). <br />Appear es and tanees working under appentceship and <br />slal training programs whrh have been ca tied by h a <br />Secretary of Transpo Ration as promoting EEO n connection <br />Min Faderal•aid hghway mnsbuctorr programers not <br />subject is the requirements of paragraph 4 of this Section tV. <br />The straghilima Icurty wwaga raesforapprerticesand <br />trainees under such programs wtlbe established byihe <br />particular programs. The ratio otappmnices and trainees to <br />jaurreymen shall at he greater titan pemnitted by tte tams of <br />foe porkular pr gcum. <br />5. Compllsnco with Copeland Act requirements. The <br />corker rshall corneywdh therequiremants of 29 CFR part <br />3, v&ch a re incorparalad by reference in Ibis contract <br />b. Subcontracts. The cahacta a subcalracta shall nseri <br />Four FHI1273 in any subcontracts and also req uke the <br />subconlrado s to include Farm FH W A-1273 in any lower liar <br />a utco lrads. The lowe contract" drat be responsAle for lire <br />cony glance by arty subcndradaIX lower tier aubcastacbr <br />vAh al the rnntrsct clauses In 29CFIR 55. <br />7. Cm'trxf tarminakon: debarment. A treach of fna <br />catrad clauses in 29 GFR S5 may be grounds fortemhalon <br />of the coclrect and for debarment ss a mr*wk)r and a <br />s Lbcmtrader m prwidad n 29 CFR 5.12. <br />S. Campllanco with DavlsZaoon and Ralstad Act <br />requlranoies A4TLdirrg3wdYdegxetatiansoftwDavis- <br />Bamn and Relaled Acts contained in 29 CFR parts 1, 3, and 5 <br />a no h arc in incorporated by reference in tins contract. <br />S. Dlspuws conwring labor atandards. Disputes anskg <br />out of the tabor standards ferwisions of this contract shag not <br />be s ubjwt 10 th a gene al disputes ciarse of th is contract. Such <br />dsputes mall be resoMed in accordance vnlh the procedures <br />of the Depa dm cnl of Laborsat forth h 29CFR pasts 5, 6, and <br />7. Disputes vnthin the mearwg of this clause i clute disputes <br />b atwea n the contractor (a any d its subcontractors) and the <br />contracting agency, Ire U.5. Deparhnant of Laborathe <br />enployaes or their representatives <br />10. Catill"Im of ellgl bi lty. <br />a By entering into this wntrad, the contractor cafifm that <br />rleltiner it (nor he a sine) ner any parson or firm who has w <br />Interest in foe o INI Rows Sur Is afb l IX firm Ine4gible to <br />be awarded Co ersmert contracts by virtue of section 3(al of <br />Hoe Davis-Bacarn Ad or 29 CF R 5.12(sX 11 <br />In. Noped of this contract shall he subcontracted to any passe <br />or4m nagibie forawafd of a Goverrmerrtearrfrad by virtue <br />of section J(a) of ttre Dam-Ba bon Actor 29 CFR 5.12(a$1). <br />c. The penally for mating false statements is proscribed in the <br />US. Crinina Code. 18 U.S.C. 1 out. <br />V. CCNTRAC T WON K, HOU RS AND SAFE TY <br />STANDARDS ACT <br />The following douses apply fenny Fades aid cashuctian <br />contract In an amours in excess of $100, 000 and aubloclto the <br />overture prerns ors of the Calredt W ark Hours and Safely <br />Standards Act These clauses shah be inserted in add non to <br />thedmus requiredby29CFR5.5(a)a29CFR4.d As <br />lead i n lh is � ragraph, lde tams laborers and mechanics <br />include watchmen and guards. <br />f. Overtime requlmrno rot s. Nocontractaasrbmretrada <br />eonrlracimg fo r any p ad of tea coobeid work wlrict, may require <br />a involve th a an p nym and of laborers or mechanics stall <br />require or pe con d a ny s ich laborer o mechanic h any <br />workweek i In w h ich h e or she is enpdayed on such wok to <br />wok in owess of forty hours in such workweek u rims such <br />laborer or mach a In c receives ewriaeasatiion at a rate not less <br />than are and on&h aff Imes tha basic rate of pay for al hours <br />worked In excess of forty lours in such workweek <br />2, Molaton, liability for unpaid waged it quklatod <br />damages. In tna event of a ny y is lalis n cf the do use set forth <br />in paragraph (1.) of this sedan, the mntractorard any <br />subcontractor responsible therefor shall be liable ferthe <br />inpad wages. in addition. such mntracla and suboontrada <br />shall be liable to the lnled Stab Fin the case of work done <br />undermntrad forthe District of Cdumbo as taortory, to such <br />District o r to such lartory], for liquidated damages. Buoln <br />lq udated darn ag es shall b e computed M4 respell to each <br />ndiwdd ual Is borer o r m echa nic, including wakRnen and <br />guards, employ ad h v inlaWn d th a da use set forth In <br />paragraph (1.) of this sedan, in the sum of $10 fa each <br />calerdarday m which such indridual wen requieda <br />pemihed b wok n excess of the standard workweek of forty <br />hours without paymentof the overtire wages required by the <br />clause set forth in" ragraph (1.) of this section. <br />3. Withholding for unpaid wages and lguidatod darnagas. <br />The FHWAa the mrtacting agaicyshal upm its moardion <br />a uponwrlttan request of an auiharzed reprosentatw* of tine <br />Departmantof Labor vAil- d crceuse to Lewdhheld,frarn <br />any moneys payable on account of work pofamad by the <br />eDdraclar or subcontractor under any such contract a any <br />other Federal contract with the samepdre contractor, oany <br />ott arfedaraltyassisted contract subject to the Contract Wok <br />Flours and 5afety Slarda ids Act, v"Ai is held by the same <br />fairs mnteada, such sums as may he datam in ad to ba <br />necessary to satisfy any la b Bdius of such contractor or <br />s ubconlractor for un feed! wages and liquidated damages as <br />proMad in fee dausa set farh in paragraph (2.) d this <br />section. <br />4.Subcmtracts. ThecawtractaasubcortradIX shall insert <br />in any s ubcontmcts de clauses set fa h w paragraph (1.1 <br />tMaugh (4.) of this swtion and also a clause requiring the <br />sdbrnntrados to in dude these Causes In a ny beer ti ar <br />subcontracts. The prone contractorshall ba responsible for <br />conpliarce by any subcodracior or fewer tier subconnador <br />with tine dauses set forth in paragraphs, (1,)thmug h (4. ) of this <br />section <br />