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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />i. Nolhdrg contained in the foregaireg shah tte consuued to <br />require ihsestabtishnent d a system d records in order io <br />render in good faith the certification required by this dause. <br />The knowledge and i rforrcetion of the prospective participant <br />is not required an exceed that which is normaly possamd by <br />a pmdentpeuson in the ordinary course of business dealings. <br />j. Earapt for transactions auborknd urhder paragraph (n Or <br />theseirnsimctions, if apa;icipan l in a covered transaction <br />knowEngdy anwrs inb a lower tier covered transaction with a <br />Person who is suspa nd ad, dabanad, i ndg ibl®, or voluntarily <br />exckudd fmm lmnicipo lion in this transaction. in addition to <br />other remadies avatable to fie Federal Govammert, the <br />dapanman I or agarcy may taunt meta this lransscum for cause <br />or defauh. <br />2. Car0nmI ion Regarding Debarment, Susparnsion,. <br />taallgib ilily and Vdun la ryExclu sign — F lrs t Tier <br />Pafticipanls: <br />a. The pfospeclire first ter participant cartiTies b be test of <br />its knowledge and taker, that it and its principals' <br />(f ) Are not preseniy debarred, suspended, proposed for <br />debarment, declared ineligible, o rvolurrla riy excluded fmm <br />panidpau ng in tweed ua nsacums try any Federal <br />department or agency: <br />(2j Have not within a three year period Preceding this <br />proposal beenconuictad of or had a civil judgment rendered <br />age nst them forcommi ssion of fraud or a am inal offense i n <br />connacion with obtain rig, attempting to obtain, or performing <br />a pubic (Fadami. State or local) tfarsanion o r contract a nda r <br />a pubic transaction viotatdon of Faderal or State anlimst <br />Slaldes or oonmission of aml>azirlanant shaft, forgery. <br />trabary. iaisifica don or destruction of retards, m0mq false <br />statements. or recaiwill &den property: <br />(a) Are not Presently indicted for or orlremise criminally or <br />emly derged by a governmental Artily (Fade rat, Slate or <br />loran) with commission of ary of the dfensss ary rreraled in <br />paragmilb (a) (2) of this cenLcatiolz and <br />(4) Have not within a threeysa panod Preceding the <br />applrat"proposal had one a more public transactions <br />(Fedea I, State or iocai) terminated for causa ord efadt. <br />Q Where the prospecirvepeilidpentis unahia to rarity to <br />ary OF the statements in this certdEcalion, such prospective <br />particpant shall attachan expianatiuh to the proposal. <br />2. Instru lions for Corti Rcatim - Lower Tier Partichpanis: <br />(Rpplicable to all subcantracs, purchase orders nd other <br />lower tier transactions regµiring prier FM W A approval or <br />astinaled to cost 525.000 ormore • 2 CFR Parts 180 and <br />5200j <br />a By sign rig and subcntirng this proposal. the proapoctiw <br />inwar tier is providing the cartilication set oil below. <br />b. Thecaiilcation in this clause is material representation <br />of fact upon which etiawe was placod when this transaction <br />was antered into. if it is later determined that theprospeciive <br />lower tier panic jpam koomagyrendered an erroneWs <br />cerification, in addition toother remedies ava iahte to the <br />Federal Gomnirnod, hedapenmerl, or agauy with which <br />t1E s rams cdim originated may pu Isle avalatNe remedies. <br />irchiding. suspension andya debarmant, <br />c. The Prospecivelower lief paticpanishal provide <br />immediate written nolioetothe parson to Atuch this prrgosai is <br />schm kited if at any tints Lha proms active caws 1i err pa rtiapan I <br />learns that its certification w aronaous by raasonof <br />changed circumstances. <br />d. The terms "covered tmnsacti&n,' "debarred," <br />'suspended: 'wafhgiae "participant:. 'parson""pnrcipal,` <br />AM valuntariyexdrdad- as used in this clause, are defin ad <br />in 2 CFR Parts 180 and t200. You may conlac ll he person to <br />whir, h Ns proposal is submitted for Assistawa in on laining a <br />copy of those regdaions. First Tlar Corered Transaclons' <br />rate rs to any covered tra nsaclion between a gra ntea a <br />mbgm ntoa of Fade rat funds and a parliapanl (such as the <br />Prime ur gon sal milral).'Lr r Tler Cavared Transactions' <br />rekrs to a ray cove red ua rusxdon under a Fist Tier Covered <br />Trerlsadion (Stich as 9u8canlrads]. Fist Tier ParUclpan' <br />fafers to the participant who has aderad into a mused <br />hansaction with agradee or wbgfanee of Federal funds <br />(such as the prime OF general emractor). 'Lower Tier <br />Partimpanr refers any partic1pant reha has entered Irate a <br />covered lraresactim with a First Tier Parlcpam or otter Lower <br />Tier Pa rticpranis (suO as suticornractor8 and sipplars). <br />s. The prospective lower der participa rat agrees try <br />si buniAng this proposa3 that, should the proposed coward <br />Ira nsaclen be entered in to, it shall not knovti rgy enter irao <br />any lower tier covured transaction with a person wlh i <br />debar red. stapes dad, declared in"gible, or voi nta rdy <br />ar dudad from patticpa lion in this cove red irarsw ion, unless <br />aulhonsed by the depa rtnvenl or agency with which this <br />ifan wxon orginated. <br />f. The prosCacliva lower tier pa nicpranafather agrees by <br />subm ilting this proposal that it wdf include lhisciause titled <br />'Certification Regardng debarment. Suspansion. Ine:gdtxtity <br />and Votumary Exdusion-Lawor Tier Covered 7raresacliorn,' <br />vnthorR modification, in All lowerlier covered transacfionsand <br />in aH sci aahors for lower tier covered transactions exceadirlg <br />ilia S25,000 ihreshdd <br />g. A paniepant in a ravened transaction Trey rely npm a <br />carificafon Of a prospective part cipanl in a lower uercaverad <br />tran sachon ihatis not d etas red, suspended inelgiba, or <br />voluntarily exclW ed imm the core red uan sac bon, unless it <br />knows inau the catiiical iNn ,s anon eeus. A participant is <br />resparsiWe for ensuring nA its principals Are not su spend d, <br />debm rred. or oth anirse ine fig it ]a to participae in cowed <br />transactions. To verify the a1,gAily of its principals. as wall as <br />the eligibility of any iowrer tier pospacive participants, each <br />padicipacamay. but is not requrad to, check the Exciuded <br />Parties Lst System wabshe [htlas:llwww.ecss.,nvl1. which is <br />compiled by the General Sarvices Adminaimt*n. <br />h. NoNhing contained in the foragoing &hail to corsuued to <br />rA*kfi esuhlis Ihmart of a system of record; in order lnrandar <br />in good faith the codification requirad by tuffs clause. The <br />kro fia a aid idormaten d parricipa ni is not required to <br />exceed that which is normally possessed ty a Prvdonlpop�on <br />in Ins ordinary c ,rs® d business doaings. <br />i. Except for transactions authorized under paragrapha of <br />these ins true Eons, if a particpa n t i n a covered transaction <br />knowingly enters into law sr tier covered transaction with a <br />parson win is suspended, dotarred, inelgibe, of voluntarily <br />exckdad from participation in Nis transaction, in addition to <br />ottarrenedies avadatletolfe Federal Govemmert, the <br />