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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT NO.: 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />department crater with which this transaction originated <br />may pursue available rernedres, Including suspensiani <br />debamert. <br />Csrtltleatlon Ragardlrg Debarnnard, Susp€nslen, <br />Ineliglhlllty and Voluri Exel usf cn-d.awcr Tler <br />Ranicipants: <br />1 The prospective Ic r tier partcipatcarlfies, by <br />submission of this proposal, that rheifhar 0nor tts pdnclpahs is <br />peasendydoteaned, suspended proposed fordobapnont, <br />declared losiig ih lo, a volurtadty esdudad urea Portlripatfig n <br />covered transactions by any Federal deleaNrent or agency. <br />2. Wnera the prospective Ivwtlar iembepent Is uni to <br />corlfy b any d iho slatomonls.n this codification, such <br />prospectivo participant dual attach an explanation to into <br />propose I. <br />XL CERTIFICATION REGARDING USE OF CONTRACT <br />FUNDS FOR LOBBYING <br />This proudslon Is applicable to all Fadaral aid mnsbuction <br />cortracts and to al (ulsted subcontracts which exceed <br />$100 WO (49 C FR 2)]. <br />f. The prospective portidpanl mdfvas, by silgrrvrgaM <br />subanidrrg this bid cw proposal, tit the beat at Its or her <br />hnowledge and befuef, that: <br />a. No Federal apprvprlisted funds have been paid orwIII be <br />paid, by or on behalf of ire undas;gnned, to any person for <br />Influencing or attempting to influence n ofhcer er employee Of <br />any Federal agency, a Membar of Cong nes e, an office or <br />enployse of Congress, or anamployee of a Member of <br />Congress in comec5on with tee awarding of any F ad ore I <br />contract, the making of any Federal grant, lh a mating of any <br />Federal loan, the entering into d any cooperative agrearant, <br />and the edari continuation, ro nowal. anen inept or <br />modifkalion of any Federal contract, grant, loan, air <br />cooperetiva agaeamenl. <br />b.. f any funds other than Federal appraprweled to nds have <br />been paid or coil be paid to any person for udl uonct ng or <br />attempGrhg to influence an officer or employee of any Federal <br />repciii a. fdember of Congmss, an officer ar anpbyee of <br />Congess, or an employes of a Mortar ofCongmse in <br />connection with this Federal contact, grant, loan. or <br />nnoperativa agreemed, the undersigned stal armplete and <br />aided Standard Fopn,LLL, "Disclosure Fonn to Rapist <br />Lobbying,° in accordance with its Instructions. <br />2. This cartt-rcaLnn Is a material reprosentation of fad upon <br />which reiance was placed whah Ihs transaction was made a <br />enteretl irbe Sub missbn of lh is catr5cation is a prareq Jdta <br />formaking a entering Into this transaction inposedby 31 <br />U.S.C.1352 Any parson whobails to fletherequired <br />certification s hal he subject to 64 penalty d ind less than <br />$10,0W and rot pore Iraq $1KNO for each such failure. <br />3. The pveseoctive participant al so ag roe a by submitting its <br />led or proposal tr at the pshIc, pa it srall req u is that the <br />long uago of this cc alificatdn be inc lubed in a I I Iowa r tl or <br />SuhcarimctS, which exceed S1e70,003 and lhalall such <br />roi its sha0 cc my and discbso accordingly <br />r <br />