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CITY OF SANTA ANA <br />PROPOSAL <br />PROJECT Ni 17-6897 <br />FLOWER STREET BIKEWAY <br />FEDERAL PROJECT NO: HSIPL 5063 (187) <br />ATTACHMENT A- EMPLOYMENT AND MATERIALS <br />PREFERENCE FOR APPALACHIAN DEVELOPMENT <br />HIGHWAY SYSTEM OR APPALACHIAN LOCAL ACCESS <br />ROADCONTR4CTS <br />Ths provisbn s appkcaae to a! Federal•acIprojects hroded <br />mdarlha Appalachian Ragional PevelopmentAct of 1965. <br />1. Ourin g lh a p oforma nce of this contract, the contractor <br />and ana ki rig ladom, •wfi ich is, orrmsareabty may be, done <br />as onsda work, shall gtvo pmferercetogtallfred persons who <br />rag Lia N reside In fira la bar amo as designated by the DO <br />wherein thocantmctwork is situated, othesubregim, othe <br />Appatedita n counties of the State wherein the onrtract wank a <br />situated, exospt: <br />a. To the e#errt that qualified persons Wdarly residing in <br />ttre area am nit availabie. <br />b. For the reasonable needs of the contractor to employ <br />superwswy aspeolaly experienced peso net necessary to <br />assure an efkdent exeoubDn of to contract walk. <br />c. For the obiIii of the contract" to offer amplopnertl to <br />present a former employees as he result of a lawful cclective <br />ha nga win g contract. provided that the number of nonresident <br />parsons am playad under this subparagraph (1 c) shall not <br />e�aod 20 percartaf tha total number atemployaes eonpoyed <br />by tha cmbadoon t wcortact work except as pnwided in <br />subparagraph {4) below. <br />2. Tha contractor shall placa a 0 do with the State <br />Em pkyment Serfoeind"cad ng (a) the ctassi ficatiorn of the <br />laborers, mecf®nics and other employees required to perform <br />lh a wnbact work, (b) th a number of employees required in <br />each c1assilcatim. (c) thacate on whin the par icpa nt <br />cs limalos s rx:h empuyeas will be required. and (c) any char <br />parlinml infonnatronrequimd by the5tate Employment <br />5ervco la oam pletethe job ardor form. Thajabordermayba <br />paced with rho Siala Employmani5ervioe n wMing a ty <br />telephone. 1f dunng the coursed fre contract work, the <br />infomatimsubmillod tylhoconbactainttuaoriginaliobader <br />is subslantahy modified. the partiipant shall promptly notify <br />th a State cm p Ioym ant Service. <br />3. The co ntmctorsha ll give full oarrsideration b all qualified <br />job appfica nts rate -rind to h;m by the State E mplo;m ant <br />Service. The contractor is no t roq u imd to grant employment to <br />my job a pp Ica ms who, in his opi n ion, are not qualifired to <br />pedorm the cassifcation of work raq ukad. <br />4. If, within one week follow in g In a plat in g of a jab ortlerby <br />the contractor wrththe Sate Em ploymanl Serrlce, t he State <br />Employment Service is unatielo afar a ny qualified job <br />applica nts to therxntractor, at I ass lha n the number <br />requested tfe State Employment Service will forward a <br />om tficate tothecontractmindcatxeg be unavalabiTrty of <br />appina hs. Suchoedifcate be made a part of the <br />mrtractalspenmareart project meords. Upon raceipt of this <br />car ifrcate, the conrractarmay employ person who do not <br />normally reside in the labor area to fill positions ouvered by the <br />cerffixeta ndwilhstanding the provisions of su"ma faph(1c) <br />above, <br />5, Thepm iDwaf23CF11633.207fe)a1ovhe <br />con4acting agency to ii a contractual Preference to the <br />use of mineral reseurce materials native to the AppabMan <br />region. <br />6. The contractor shall i include the provisions of Sections 1 <br />through 4 of this Attachment A n every subcontract to work <br />wKch is, of masonatily may be, donnas on -site work. <br />