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EXHIBIT 1 <br />Local Government Formula Allocation Re, 2nf O <br />Eligible AlicantT e: Entitlement <br />Local Government Recipient of PLHA Formula Allocation: Santa Ana <br />Approximate PLHA Formula Allocation Amount: $2,803,706 JAIlowatile Local Admin(5Y): 1 $140,185 <br />Instructions: If the Local Government Recipient of the PLHA Formula Allocation delegated its PLHA formula allocation to a Local Housing Trost Fund or to another Local Government, <br />the Applicant (for which information is required below) is the Local Housing Trust Fund or administering Local Government. The PLHA award will be made to me Applicant (upon meeting <br />threshold requirements) and the Applicant is responsible for meeting all program requirements throughout the tern of the Standard Agreement. <br />The 302(c)(4) Plan template worksheet requires fret choosing one or more of the Eligible Activities listed below. If "Yes' is clicked, the 302(c)(4) Plan worksheet opens a series of <br />questions about what precise activities are planned, Some specific activities, such as providing downpayment assistance to lower -income households for acquisition of an affordable <br />home, could be included under either Activity 2 or 9. Please only choose one of those Activities; don't list the downpayment assistance under both Activities. <br />If the PLHA funds are used for the same Activity but for different Area Median Income (AMI) level, select the same Activity twice (or more times) and the different AMI level the Activity <br />will serve. Please enter the percentage of funds allocated to the Activity in only the first Activity listing to avoid double counting the funding allocation. <br />Eligible Applicants §300 <br />§300(a) Eligible Applicants for the entitlement formula component described in Section §100(b)(1) are limited to the metropolitan cities and urban counties allocated a grant for the <br />federal fiscal year 2017 pursuant to the federal CDBG formula specified in 42 USC, Section §5306. <br />Applicant: I City of Santa Ana <br />Atldress: 20 Civic Center Plaza <br />City.Santa Ana State ICA Ztip: 192701 County: Orange <br />§300(d) Is Applicant delegated by another Local government to administer on its behalf its formula allocation of program funds? <br />No <br />§300(d) If Applicant answered "Yes" above, has the Applicant attached the legally binding agreement required by §300 (c) and (d)? <br />File Name: <br />April Resolution <br />PLHA web a a for Resolution Document <br />Attached ant on USB7 <br />Yes <br />File Name: <br />1 Signature Block <br />Si nature Block -upload in Microsok Word Document <br />Attached and on USB7 <br />Yes <br />Fite Name: <br />(Apgl TIN <br />ITan a er Identiticatmn Number Document <br />I Attached and on USE? <br />Vas <br />File Name: <br />Applicant Agreement <br />Legally binding agreement between Delegating and Administering Local <br />Attached and on USB? <br />N/A <br />Governments <br />Eligible Activities, §301 <br />§301(a) <br />Eligible activities are lim0ed to the following: <br />Included? <br />§301(a)(1) The predevelopment, development,acquisition,rehabilitation, and preservation of multifamily, residential five -work, rental housing that is affordable to <br />Extremely klw-,Very law-, Low-, or Moderate -income households, including necessary operating subsidies. <br />f-YES <br />§301(a)(2) The predevelopment development, acquisition, rehabilitation, and preservation of affordable rental and ownership housing, including Accessary Dwelling Units <br />r- YES <br />(ADUs), that meets the needs of a growing workforce coming up to 120 percent of AMI, or 150 percent of AMI in high -cost areas. ADUs shall be available for occupancy <br />for a term of no less than 30 days. <br />§301(a)(3) Matching portions of funds placed Into Local or Regional Housing Trost Funds. <br />F- YES <br />§301(a)(4) Matching portions offends available through the Law -and Moderate -Income Housing Asset Fund pursuant to subdivision (d) of HSC Section 34176. <br />f- YES <br />§301(a)(5) Capitalized Reserves for services connected to the preservation and creation of new permanent supportive housing. <br />r YES <br />§301(a)(6) Assisting persons who are experiencing or At-nsk of homelessness, including, but not limited to, providing rapid re -housing, rental assistance, supportive/case <br />r YES <br />management services that allow people to obtain and retain housing, operating and capital costs for navigation centers and emergency shatters, and the new <br />construction, rehabilitation, and preservation of permanent and transitional housing. <br />§301(a)(7) Accessibility modifications in Lower -income Owner -occupied housing. <br />r YES <br />§301(a)(8) Efforts to acquire and rehabilitate foreclosed or vacant homes and apartments. <br />r- YES <br />§301(a)(9) Homeownership opportunities, including, but not limited to, down payment assistance. <br />r- YES <br />§301(a)(10) Fiscal incentives made by a county to a city within the county to incentive approval atone or more affordable housing Projects, or matching funds invented <br />by a county in an affordable housing development Project in a city v✓thin the county, provided that the city has made an equal or greater investment in Me Pmject. The <br />I- YES <br />county fiscal incentives shall be in the forth of a grant or low -interest loan to an affordable housing Project. Matching funds investments by both the county and the city <br />also shall be a grant or law -interest defened loan ta the affordable housing Pmject <br />Threshold Requirements, §302 <br />§302(a) Housing Element compliance: Apprcant or Delegating Local Governments Housing Element was adopted by the Loral Governments governing body by the <br />application deadline and subsequently determined to be in substantial compliance with state Housing Element Law pursuant to Government Code Section 65585. <br />Yes <br />§302(b) Applicant or Delegating Local Government has submitted the current or prior years Annual Progress Report to the Department of Housing and Community <br />Yes <br />Development pursuant to Govememnt Code Section 65400. <br />302 c 2 Applicant codifies that submission of the application was authorized by the goveming board of the Applicant. <br />Yes <br />§302(c)(3) Applicant certifies that, if the Local Government proposes allocation of funds for any activity to another entity, the Local government's selection process had no <br />Yes <br />conflicts of interest and was accesible to the public. <br />302 e 4 Does the application include a Plan in accordance with 302 c 4)? <br />Yes <br />§302(c)(4)(D) Applicant certifies Nat the Plan was authorized and adapted by resolution by the Local Government and that the public had an adequate opportunity to review <br />Yes <br />and comment on its content <br />§302(c)(5) Applicant certifies that the Plan submitted is for a term of five years. Local Governments agree to inform the Department of changes made to the Plan in each <br />Yes <br />succeeding year of Me tern of the Plan. <br />§302(c)(6) Applicant cedes that it will ensure compliance with §302(c)(6) if funds are used for the acquisition, construction. or rehabilitation of for -sale housing projects or <br />units within far -sale housing projects. <br />Yes <br />§302(c)(7) Applicant certifies that it will ensure that the PLHA assistance is in the forth of a low -interest, defened loan to the Sponsor of the Project, if funds are used for the <br />Yes <br />development of an Affordable Rental Housing Development. The loan shall be evidenced through a Promissory Note secured by a Deed of Trust. <br />§302(c)(8) Has Applicant attached a program income reuse plan describing how repaid loans will be maned for eligible activities specified in Section 301? <br />Yes <br />Administration <br />Applicant agrees to adhere to §500, Aceounfing Records. <br />Ves <br />Applicant agrees to adhere to §501. Audits/Monitoring of PLHA Files. <br />Yes <br />Applicant agrees to adhere to §502, GancellatioNfenninalton. <br />Yes <br />Applicant agrees to adhere to §503, Reporting. <br />Yes <br />Certifications <br />On behalf of the entity identified below, I certify, that: The information, statements and attachments included in this application are, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and <br />correct and I possess the legal authority to submit this application on behalf of the entity idenfiffed in Me signature block. <br />Kristine Ridge <br />City Manager <br />7123/20 <br />Authorized Representative Printed Name Title 8,71sture Date <br />Entity name: City of Santa Ana Phone Number. 714-6475200 <br />EntityAddress 20 Civic Center Plaza C anta Ana I State CA Zip92701 <br />vv�-v <br />PLHA Pager Fw Wn All—w nApplicuum <br />