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Michelle spoke regarding monies provided to Orange County through Mental <br />Health Services Act. <br />Scott Williamson spoke in opposition to Item 65B, lack of notification care facility <br />in his area, and California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) exemption. <br />Lucy Sol6rzano expressed opposition to the Yale Shelter, requests that the <br />City ensure it is utilizing 8% of funds allotted for youth homelessness, and spoke <br />on various other topics. <br />Steve Gallegos spoke regarding the influx of non Santa Ana residents homeless <br />and various other topics. <br />Dan Escamilla spoke regarding the EnvironmentalImpact Survey concerning the <br />homeless shelter. <br />Guadalupe Miranda spoke in opposition to the homeless shelters and encourages <br />cities in South County to assist. <br />Resident spoke in opposition to the homeless shelters in Santa Ana, a densely <br />populated area. <br />Maria Guadalupe Miranda spoke in opposition to homeless shelters in Santa Ana. <br />Elaine Arreola expressed concern with the lack of response to homelessness by <br />other cities. <br />Executive Director of Community Development Agency Steven Mendoza provided a brief <br />presentation.... <br />Council discussion ensued. <br />Motion to Approve <br />1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a two-year Operator Agreement, with eight, <br />one-year renewal options, with Illumination Foundation to operate a Year -Round <br />Homeless Navigation Center and Recuperative Care Facility at 1815 Carnegie <br />Avenue in Santa Ana, for $4,000,000 in one-time costs for tenant improvements and <br />structural work, $591,289 for one-time start-up costs, and $3,155,367 for on -going <br />operational costs per year with an annual CPI adjustment of 1.5%, for a total not -to - <br />exceed amount of $38,099,351 over ten years, including Guaranty of Lease for <br />fifteen years, subject to non -substantive changes approved by the City Manager and <br />City Attorney (Agreement No. 2020-130). <br />2. Authorize the City Manager to execute any/all future agreements required by <br />County, State or Federal Agencies for the use of HEAP, HHAP, PLHA, ESG, HHAP <br />DRAFT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 20 JUNE 16, 2020 <br />