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<br /> <br /> <br />Item 25A considered after discussion and vote on Item 13A. <br /> <br />MISCELLANEOUS ADMINISTRATION <br /> <br />19A. CONFIRMATION OF CLOSED SESSION ACTION(S) – City Attorney’s Office <br /> <br />Closed Session Report out considered prior to the Pledge of Allegiance. City <br />Attorney Sonia Carvalho stated there was no reportable action. Councilmember <br />Sarmiento recused himself from Closed Session Item 1. <br /> <br />19B. EXCUSED ABSENCES – Clerk of the Council Office <br /> <br />19C. RECEIVE AND FILE PUBLIC WORKS AGENCY PROJECT STATUS AND <br />CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM QUARTERLY REPORT FOR APRIL <br />2020 THROUGH JUNE 2020 - Public Works Agency <br /> <br />MOTION: Receive and file the Public Works Agency Project Status and Capital <br />Improvement Program (CIP) Quarterly Report for April 2020 through June 2020. <br /> <br />19D. RECEIVE AND FILE DOG PARK UPDATE – Parks, Recreation and Community <br />Services Agency <br /> <br />MOTION: Receive and file Dog Park update report. <br /> <br />19E. RECEIVE AND FILE A STATUS REPORT REGARDING THE <br />COMPREHENSIVE UPDATE TO THE GENERAL PLAN – Planning and Building <br />Agency <br /> <br />MOTION: Receive and file the General Plan Status Update. <br /> <br />Executive Director of Planning and Building Agency Minh Thai provided a brief <br />presentation. <br /> <br />Council discussion ensued and direction provided to staff. <br /> <br />Motion to Approve Receive and file the General Plan Status Update. <br /> <br />Councilmember Bacerra motioned to adopt, seconded by Councilmember Solorio. <br /> <br />MOTION: Councilmember SECOND: Councilmember Solorio <br />Bacerra <br />VOTE: AYES: Councilmember Mendoza, Councilmember <br />Sarmiento, Councilmember Solorio, Mayor <br />Pro Tem Villegas, Mayor Pulido, <br />Councilmember Bacerra (6) <br />DRAFT CITY COUNCIL MINUTES 10 JULY 7, 2020 <br /> <br />