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Orozco, Norma <br />From:Sarrah Wolfe <> <br />Sent:Tuesday, August 18, 2020 3:27 PM <br />To:eComment <br />Subject:Public Comment for Item 22B <br />Hello, <br /> <br />My name is Sarrah Wolfe and I am a resident of Santa Ana, CA. I'm writing to voice my opinion about Item <br />22B on the City Council Agenda for the meeting on Tuesday, August 18th, 2020. <br /> <br />As an active member of the community of Santa Ana, I DO NOT support the one-time purchase to Terradyne, <br />Inc for one specialized response vehicle for the purpose of "\[enhancing\] accessibility and armored <br />vehicle coverage in the the event of civil unrest," as stated by Police Chief David Valentin. <br /> <br />The nationwide protests have already demonstrated that a response of militarization does not quell civil unrest, <br />and instead only adds fuel to the fire. What quells civil unrest is listening to the people and taking action on the <br />part of government officials. <br /> <br />Santa Ana is home to many marginalized members of society that the nationwide protests have undoubtedly <br />called attention to. These members are not demanding anything outrageous. They are demanding equality and <br />justice. They are demanding access to basic resources so that they may live and become thriving members of <br />the Santa Ana community. They are demanding that their voices be heard for once. They are demanding that <br />their troubles are not met with police brutality, but with care and concern. <br /> <br />How would the purchase of a military-grade vehicle demonstrate that our council members are listening? Where <br />else might our resources go so that they may have a direct positive impact on the community, instead of a <br />negative, antagonistic, and terrorizing effect? <br /> <br />I urge our officials to consider carefully their actions on Item 22B. Will the purchase of a military vehicle serve <br />any other purpose than to create more tension between the public and law enforcement, thereby risking the <br />peace of our community? <br /> <br />Sincerely, <br /> <br />Sarrah Wolfe <br /> <br />3 <br /> <br />